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"Stop it Fiona he will be fine" Lily said leaning over to grab her best friends hand as she looked blankly at the first years standing there. Fionas green eyes bore into her brothers nearly identical ones she ran her hand through her brown hair worrying about her brother who had lately been worrying her. Fiona knew Ryan has some dark tendencies were he enjoys death and can handle wounds Fiona couldnt death was something that happens she could never handle torture.

Ryan caught her eye and looked away praying he wouldnt be in Hufflepuff as he couldnt stand Fiona she was always worrying and it never failed to annoy him. Ryan was ignored at home not because Fiona was the favorite but because of the panic and anxiety attacks that seemed to haunt her. So Ryan averted his eyes to the old sorting hat ignoring her sister and Fiona saw it and her jaw set

Lily rubbed her hand in circles thinking it was just nerves but Lily didnt know about the box of mutated rats Fiona found last year. Lily didnt know that he dissected animals in their shed keeping trophies that were odd. Fiona glanced at Lily offering a weak smile which lily returned a even happier one Fiona quickly turned her gaze back to her brother who was staring at the Slytherin table with a smile that made Fiona heart skip a beat.

They were siblings no one could deny that the light brown hair well her brother had a tuffle of curls she had wavy hair. The green eyes were a Grace trade mark Fiona had her mothers dark mucky green eyes well Ryan got their fathers bright light green eyes that somehow shown through the dark. Ryan had two dimples well Fiona only had one of her left side of her face but she had freckles that littered her nose and upper cheeks.

Ryan used to tell her that he had two dimples because he was the second child and she only had one because she was the oldest. That was when he still talked to her without looking disgusted and angry.

"Dillon, Ethan" McGonagal said and Fiona didnt even smile at the voice that she had tea with every Thursday at two. She was just looking at Ryan and she wasnt even listening to the sorting hat but heard the cheers come from the Slytherin table and she did notice the slight smile that shown on his face when Ethan got sorted. She than offered a glance to Ethan to see a shorter boy with Orange hair and a limp which was odd considering he was eleven but Fiona didnt bother even giving him another second because she heard her brother name.

"Grace, Ryan" Fiona watched as her brother crossed the stage with a confidence that only Fiona has seen Sirius Black posses and she knew that he would be hoping for Ryan to be put into Ravenclaw as that was were Fiona thought would be best. Fiona was brought back to reality by Lily who rubbing her hand.

It felt like slow motion when the hat went on his head and Ryan was staring directly at her when the hat decided his house he gave her a smile that showed he didnt care

"Slytherin" The sorting hat shouted and Ryan jumped up and didnt give Fiona another glance which she wouldnt have noticed because she now dropped Lilys hand and was staring at the table looking paler. Lily quickly switched seats to sit next the her friend which some Huffelpuff questionally looked at Lily but didnt dare say anything as they saw a sick looking Fiona and knew better than to mess with that friendship.

Lily grabbed Fionas hand and felt the squeeze to which Lily made her face go blank as her friend began to look around frantically she knew Fiona was trying to ground herself and Lily looked up after awhile to see Sirius staring at her with a worried looked to which Lily nodded at him giving him her best half ass smile. Sirius looked away more worried than before and Lily continued looking around to see ten kids left to be sorted and she made eye contact with McGongall who looked at her questionally and the professor was nervous as she sat the hat on another kid. Lily nodded back and Minerva was relieved as she did not need her favorite student going to the infirmanary on the first day. As Minerva took the hat off another kid Lily felt her hand get squeezed at a more steady pace and Lily offered a bright smile to anyone who saw.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2017 ⏰

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