My stomach suddenly twisted at the very thought of what he might say to me. He wasn't the sort of person to let something like this go and would actually revel in me being late.
Hugo, after all was the epitome of a drama queen.

I gave an inward sigh and looked on in envy at the crowds around me relaxed and having fun, whilst I felt hot, sticky and very sweaty.
Quickly I reached inside my rucksack for some deodorant and gave myself a hurried spray. I realise that my hair still wreaked of fried food, but there was not a lot I could do about it now so I pulled a hand through it and concurred that it was, indeed rank.
Oh God, it really was gross, but I really had no time to go to my flat and get tidied up or even changed. I would simply have to go to the theatre like this, and that was that!

Continuing my brisk walk across Trafalgar square, I passed the four giant, black lion statues that guard the base of Nelson's column and could see that people had climbed up onto them in order to have their pictures taken.
I smiled at them, reliving a memory, that felt such a long time ago, when I first met one of my best friends ever, Marcus. He also works at the theatre as an actor and was assigned the task of showing me around the sights and sounds of London when I first arrived.
I didn't think that he really relished the idea of showing this nieve, wet behind the ears, country bumkin around London's fair city, but somehow, after about 10 minutes or so ,we both realised that we had really hit it off and shared the exact same view on things and had the same sense of humour.
We began chatting together, enthusiastically about all sorts of topics and I quickly realised that I hadn't felt this way about anyone since I had first met Amelia.

Oh, and how I had missed her.
So it was great to have met somebody else who I could have a good old chin wag with!

The day culminated with my new found friend, hoisting me up onto one of those magnificent lion statues, to have my own photo taken and then he had great difficulty in lifting me back down again. It wasn't very dignified and I very nearly fell on top of him, but at least it really broke the ice ( and possibly his back!)  and ended up with us becoming great friends, who now share a flat together, along with a girl called Beth,who was also  from the theatre.

Unlike Marcus, Beth and I did not share the same views and I found her to be quite sullen and very self oppinionated. This being the case, it was true to say, that I did not like her very much and I was quite sure that she didn't like me either.
Beth actually seemed to despise my friendship with Marcus and the three of us all sharing a flat together was, at times, very tense to say the least, so I kept out of her way the best I could and only really spoke to her if it was absolutely necessary.

Looking up passed the lion statues I could quite clearly see Big Ben looming up in the distance and to my horror I could see that it was now a quarter to five and I was supposed to be at the theatre over an hour ago!
Dammit,  I was really going to be in for it now and not just from Hugo either. The whole production would surely be in jeopardy now, with me being so late.

I began to run, expertly dodging the crowds of people who persistently seemed intent on getting in my way. I had been quite happy watching the crowds as I reminisce about the past, but now they irritated and annoyed me as I tried to get around them. I even huffed a few times and muttered under my breath that it was alright for them............they had all day.

I then proceeded to take my life into my hands as I took a few chances crossing the busy roads, getting tooted at by an irate taxi driver in the process. But, although I waved a hand in way of an apology, I didn't really care that he had to break so suddenly for my incompetence to cross a road safely, I was late and was going to get into trouble for it.

Maybe even lose my job!

My heart pounded at the very thought and so I ran even faster.

I had tried so hard to get the female lead role in our latest production, The Secret Smile, and was absolutely ecstatic when Hugo handed me the part.
I promised not to let him down and to really give it my full attention, after all, this was my time to actually shine.

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