Chapter 2

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Ava P. O. V
We drive for what feels like forever until finally the car stops. Daddy says "We're here baby." And he comes to lift me out of my seat. I hold his hand and we walk to the door. Once he unlocks it I go inside and look around. The house is huge! I immediately see a play room and run over to play with the toys.

Chris POV
I watch her run over and laugh. "Not yet baby girl. First we have to get you dressed and go over the rules. Then you can play" "But I'm already dressed!" She says. "Silly me, I meant get you into something more comfortable. But let's go over the rules instead. She nods and comes over. I pull her onto my lap.
"Rule number one: When out in public you must always hold daddy's hand.
Rule two: Always listen to daddy and never argue. Daddy knows best.
Rule three: If you disobey daddy, you will be punished.
Rule four: Always tell daddy when you need a diaper change and don't be embarrassed if you have an accident
Rule five: Bedtime is at 10:00 unless daddy says otherwise.
Do you understand all these rules princess?" She looks at me. "Yes daddy, but I don't wear diapers." "Not yet, but once I get them at the store you will. Little girls wear diapers. Now let's go to the store." She nods and I take her hand and lead her back to the car.

Daddy brings me to the car and helps to buckle me into my seat. I grab my binky and and new toy and start to play with it. I've fallen so deep into little space right now and I love it. "Daddy?" I ask. "What is it baby girl?" He replies as he starts the car. "Can I get some toys at the store?" I ask in a cute baby voice. We start to drive away and daddy says "Of course we can sweetie." I giggle. "Yay! Tank yoo daddy!" I curl up and close my eyes

Chris POV
I smile as I see her fall asleep. She is so far into little space right now and I love it. I can't believe she's mine. I wasn't going to force her to do anything she didn't want to, but it looks like she will do them anyway. I can't wait to play with her, dress her up, and take care of her. We get to the store and I park the car. I get out of the car and shake her gently. "Ava, we are here. Time to wake up." She stirs a little and after a few moments she wakes up with a cute little yawn. "Hi daddy!" She says. "Hey baby." I smile and pick her up. I carry her to the shopping cart and set her down in the back. "After we get what we need I'll get you two toys. Ok?" She looks at me and says "Ok daddy! Let's go." I smile and we head inside.
Daddy pushes me to the baby section and picks out some Disney princess sippy cups, some new pacifiers, and some other stuff before he stops near the clothes. He holds up a giraffe onesie. "Do you like this baby girl?" He asks me. I look at it for a moment. "Yes! I wove (love) it daddy!" He laughs and puts it in the cart along with some adult diapers. Then we head to the toy isle. He picks me up out of the cart and puts me down. "Get whatever you want." I giggle and run over to a unicorn stuffie and grab it. "Dis one!" I smile and run over to daddy. "Ok pumpkin. Put it in the cart and let's go buy everything." "Wait! You said I could get two toys!" I hold up two fingers for emphasis. "Silly me, I did say that. Go get something else." He says. I smile and look around. I grab a fairy princess doll and show daddy. "I want her. She's so pretty!" "Yes she is princess. Just like you. Come on, let's go pay." Daddy says as he takes my hand and walks to the registers. We pay for everything and drive home.

Chris POV
When we get home, Ava is out cold so I carefully get her out of her seat and carry her inside. I lay her in her bed and run outside to get the things. When I come back inside I take her out of her dress and put on her new onesie. I would have put a diaper on her, but I'm not sure if she's comfortable with me doing that just yet.  I put her unicorn in her arms and tuck her in. I kiss her on the forehead and whisper "goodnight princess" before leaving the room.

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