Chapter 10

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~Kuroo POV~

Mattsun and Makki looked behind themselves slowly. They both jumped at who they realized it was and suddenly bowed. I looked behind myself and saw Bokuto and Akaashi bowing too.

I felt like it was natural to bow for whoever was coming so I immediately bowed down.

I heard someone laugh and I looked up. I saw Oikawa Toro and Iwaizumi Hajime in front of all of us.

We all stood back up in front of the two. "What are you two doing here", Iwaizumi asked.

"Pranking", Makki said with a smirk on his face. Oikawa giggled and asked what the prank was this time. They explained and Oikawa laughed. Iwaizumi was agitated at Oikawa and punched him on the head.

Oikawa stopped and started to hold his head while tears in his eyes. "Iwa-chan!!!!", Oikawa said.

Iwaizumi payed no attention to him and continued on with their 'business'. "Now, Kuroo. We brought you here from a request-", I cut Iwaizumi off; "From who", I asked.

"It is not my authority to say", Iwaizumi said.

"But Iwa-chan, he should be able to know right", Oikawa asked.

Iwaizumi thought about it for a couple seconds and nodded. "The request was from Kenma Kozume", Iwaizumi finished.

My eyes widened and I stepped closer, in desperation. "Why? What's wrong? What happened?", I interrogated.

They looked nervous and told me to calm down. "We'll tell you later but for now we have to get this done and over with because me and Iwa-chan can continue on with our 'studying'", Oikawa winked.

Iwaizumi had an angry look on his face and slammed his forehead with Oikawa's. Oikawa fell to the ground and rolled everywhere in pain, while Iwaizumi was going along just fine, like it never even happened.

All of us wanted to laugh but everyone kept it all in.

"Anyways, you can either become an angel, demon, or an angel/demon", Iwaizumi said while explaining everything towards the options. (I'm not repeating what I wrote from the chapter The Choice so if you don't remember then go back to that chapter if you want)

I was puzzled. "Why are you giving me these options? Who are you guys anyways?", I asked.

"I, Iwaizumi Hajime, am Satan", Oikawa then began, "I, Oikawa Toro, am God", they finished.

"We already told you that we are giving you these options, out of Kozume's request", Iwaizumi said.

"I know that...but why", I asked.

Everybody around looked at each other confusingly. "We gave Kozume the option to choose, because if he didn't, he would've died on earth", Oikawa said in a serious manner.

I looked down at my feet. He choose an option? What did he choose? Which should I choose? I kept questioning myself. Iwaizumi noticed how confused and worried I was.

"Kozume choose a unique option...I'm not at liberty to tell you but it doesn't say that I can't give you hints", Iwaizumi winked.

I smiled. I thought for a long time about this decision and I decided. I choose the most unique one (or at least I thought).

I confirmed it to the two and they had worried looks on their faces. I was literally praying to Asahi at this point.

"By the way, you might feel a huuuuge pain on you back and shoulders", Oikawa winked.

Iwaizumi rolled his eyes and said that Hinata Shōyō and Kageyama Tobio would help me out, even Kenma could.

I smiled once more. Oikawa threw up a peace sign and Iwaizumi glared at him.

"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!", Oikawa pleaded.

I laughed. "Thank you guys", I said sincerely.

Everyone nodded and I fist bumped Makki, Mattsun, and Bokuto. All of a sudden I heard Oikawa and Iwaizumi counting up.

I had a confused look on my face and Oikawa's and Iwaizumi's fingers snapped in unison.

I woke up from my bed. When I opened my eyes I knew that this would affect everything.

~Kenma's POV~

I was walking over to Kuroo's house when I noticed something strange. When I was walking, I noticed Kuroo's front door slightly opened.

I jogged over to his front door and looked around.

'Maybe he got drunk with Bokuto again', I thought. I put my hand against the door gently and pushed it open slowly.

I walked in and headed towards his room.

I opened his door and I was stunned in shock. My mouth slightly opened and tears running down my cheek.

I saw Kuroo in his bed and Krystal in it with him. They were...kissing. Kuroo noticed me and his eyes widened.

"It's not what it looks like. I swear, you know that I love you and only you", Kuroo said while tears forming in his eyes.

"You're right, I do know...who you love. I also know who you are", I said while choking back my tears.

"You're a...cheater", I said.

I saw Kuroo's eyes widened in sadness. I regretted saying it but then I didn't.

I ran out of his house, not looking back. I heard Kuroo screaming out my name, I didn't pay attention to him.

I cried and cried and I tried wiping away my tears but they just kept flowing back.

I was running and all of a sudden I started flying. I looked back at Kuroo, who was stunned in awe.

I looked back with tears falling down and I flew in the distance. Far, far from Kuroo.

"Goodbye, Kuroo Tetsurō"

This chapter was shorter than the others and I'm sorry for that.


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