Fem. Reader x Yachi (Soulmate AU)

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Soulmate AU: Anything you write on your body shows up on your soulmate's as well once both of you are in high school

I sat in history class, hurriedly tapping away at the tablet with one hand as my friend and partner scribbled notes in red ink down my forearm.


I moved the tablet over and stuck out my other arm, blowing on the ink before pulling down the sleeve of my sweatshirt with my teeth. I continued to type away as she wrote hurriedly on my arms. I felt the ink smudge but stayed quiet, deciding it couldn't be that horrible and focused on finishing the slide show we pushed off till last minute. We finished a few seconds before the teacher called volunteers, and I smiled before throwing my hand into the air. She rolled her eyes at my childish smile and I shook my arm, letting the sleeve roll down to cover the ink. We got to the front of the classroom and started presenting, going back and forth for each slide and pointing out bullet points with extremely well done explanations. Since the teacher was sitting at their desk and the technology cart sat in the way we could roll up our sleeves discreetly as we read through them. Thankfully, everyone in the class was okay with it, doing similar things to ensure they got good grades as well. I switch to the other arm and stared in horror as I looked at the blobs of ink smeared unrecognizably across my arm. I felt myself begin to panic before black pen cut through the red, neatly rewriting my partners notes. After stuttering a tad and apologizing for letting the words slip my mind I continued on with the presentation, letting my soulmate rewrite the notes in neat penmanship the whole time. When we finished we bowed to the class before returning to our seats, immediately grabbing one of the wipes from my partner's binder and scrubbing down our forearms under our desks. I brought my now clean arm to my desk top and took out a blue pen.

Thanks for the notes just now. We were presenting and my sleeve must have smudged the ink. I'm L/N F/N.

I bit my lip as I stared at my arm, waiting in anticipation of the next neat strokes of penmanship across my skin. I smiled as I watched black ink fill the space just under my writing.

It was no problem! I thought you might need them so I rewrote them myself. I'm Yachi Hitoka.

I smiled down at my arm before thinking back to where I'd heard the name before. It clicked when I remembered Tanaka saying something about her loudly in class, saying she was a manager for the volleyball team. I felt my eyes widen before writing again.

Yachi Hitoka as in the first year manager for the volleyball club?

How did you know? Have we met? I'm so sorry if I don't remember you!

The last sentence was written almost shakily, making me giggle as I realized she was probably panicking.

You probably don't know who I am. I'm in the same class as Tanaka Ryuunosuke and his conversations can be quite... loud, per say.

I giggled when she responded, saying she understood what I meant. We talked through my next three classes, sharing random details about ourselves and playing games like twenty questions to pass the time. I told her I'd meet her at the gymnasium after school once the bell rang for lunch. She said she'd be waiting and that she couldn't wait, and I smiled down at my arm before shaking my head. I spotted Tanaka at lunch and made my way over to him, standing behind him awkwardly as he joked loudly with a boy with two toned hair, named Nishinoya if I could remember correctly. I cleared my throat quietly and they both whipped around to face me, a small giggle escaping my lips.

"Could I talk to you two for a moment?"

When they both agreed I plopped down across from them, smiling nervously before explaining the situation with Yachi.

"I just need to know if she has allergies or anything? I was going to bring her flowers but then I didn't know if she was allergic so..."

I trailed off and looked up at the two boys, smiling sheepishly as they both smiled.

"Yachi-San loves flowers! She draws them all the time." Nishinoya yelled excitedly, vibrating in his seat. I smiled and thanked them both before plugging in headphones and walking off campus. I could afford to skip a little class to get the flowers. The place I wanted to go to was a far walk, and I still needed to pick out the flowers when I got there and walk back. I smiled against the crisp autumn air and looked at the sky, feeling excitement course through my veins.

I was going to meet my soulmate.

I repeated that phrase over and over in my head until I reached the flower shop. I looked around and smiled when I had decided. I bought the biggest bouquet of red roses they had and almost struggled to see around them as I walked back. Luckily the wind had left, becoming nothing but the gentlest of breezes blowing now and then. I trekked back to the school and listened to the final bell chime when I was still a few yards from campus gates. I waited outside for a few minutes, watching everyone leave before walking towards the gym slowly and listening to the sounds of squeaking shoes before I walked in. I looked around and spotted a small girl with blonde hair next to Kiyoko-senpai and walked over quietly, gently tapping the girl on the shoulder when I got close enough. She jumped slightly before turning towards me with a gasp, eyes darting between the large bouquet and my face.

"Yachi Hitoka?" I asked tentatively, watching her eyes widen and swell up with tears. She shot me a bright smile before nodding and burying her face in my chest, almost making me drop the flowers. I wrapped an arm around her while holding the roses in the other, careful not to let them drop. By then all the attention in the gym was on us and I gently pushed Yachi away, holding out the bouquet in front of me.

"Tanaka and Nishinoya said you liked flowers, so I'd figured I might as well buy you some." I smiled down at her and she took the large bouquet, wrapping her arms around it and hiding her face from view. A loud squawk from the court caught my attention and a ginger bounded over to us excitedly.

"Yachi-San you found your soulmate! And that bouquet is so huge!" He yelled, bouncing on his toes as Yachi's face turned Scarlet. She turned away from the boy only to make eye contact with me. I blushed and smiled, placing a hand on the back of my neck and she blushed more before burying her face in the roses.

"Careful!" I cried, watching as she jerked her face out of the bouquet with wide eyes. A small scarlet line went across the bridge of her nose and I gently took the bouquet from her arms, placing it down on the bench before leaning down to look at it.

"You're so tall, L/N-San." She said as I graciously took a bandaid from Kiyoko's outstretched hand. I shook my head as I placed it across her nose with a sigh.

"You need to be careful Yachi-San." I scolded lightly before pressing my lips to the bandage. Her face went scarlet and she stuttered before closing her mouth and burying her face in her hands. I giggled before wrapping my hands around her wrists and pulling them away from her face.

"Okay, Hitoka-chan?"

She nodded rapidly before wrapping her arms around me once again, nuzzling her face back into my chest.

"You seem to like my chest, Hitoka-chan.~" I teased and choked down a giggle when her ears turned red. She squeezed my lightly as I wrapped my arms around her, rocking us back and forth slowly as I buried my nose in her hair. I pulled away abruptly and scooped her into my arms princess style, placing the bouquet in her lap despite her surprised squawk.

"_-F/N-Chan?" She stuttered loudly as I jogged out of the gym.

"Sorry guys, but Hitoka-chan is mine for a while." I winked back at the gym and Nishinoya and Tanaka cheered and whistled as I walked off campus, blushing blonde still in my arms.

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