Dares at Dinner

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Hayden's POV

"We should probably find the others, they might be worried." Annie says, laughing. I take her hand and we run back to the others, laughing. We reach them and most of them hadn't even noticed that we weren't there. They were all packing up their towels and beach things. We all then headed off back to the hotel. Katie and Annie were talking about what happened next to me. I noticed that Annie was still lightly crying. I pull her aside and decide to talk to her.

"What's wrong Annie? Why are you still crying?" I ask, hugging her.

"No, I'm fine, these are happy tears." She says, wiping her face.

"Oh okay. I am glad you aren't upset." I say, as she almost throws herself at me and hugs me tightly. We stand there for a couple of minutes and run to catch up with the others. I don't care what the catch on camera anymore. I am just glad I have Annie back. They can edit it out if they have to. The group walks back out for dinner after getting ready.

Everyone is so loud at dinner, I eat my food and somehow, I manage to fall asleep at the table.

Annie's POV

Hayden falls asleep at the table at dinner. I need to vlog this.

"Mommy can I have the camera?" I ask as I reach across for the camera. Mom hands it to me and I turn it on.


So, Hayden just fell asleep at the table. This shows how tired we all are right now. I could just fall asleep at any moment.

"Dylan no!" I whisper loudly

Dylan has just poured water over Hayden's curly hair. I find some napkins and try to clean it up. (Shuts off camera)

Hayden suddenly jumps up and scares me. I am awake now.

"Hayden!" I squeal, getting up and hitting the back of his head.

"Shush, we are in a restaurant!" He says, laughing. I sit back down next to Hayden. I steal a glimpse at the adults. I have always wondered why the adults take forever to eat, but they have never taken this long. We then decide to play what are the odds to pass time while the adults finish eating. Brooke starts.

"Rush, what are the odds you will steal one of Dylan's fries?"

One, two, three..." We count.

"Seven!" Brooke and Rush both yell. "Haha! I got inside your head!" Brooke laughs. We all watch Rush walk over to Dylan and take one of his fries and strut back, but doing a double take and dipping it in Mommy's ketchup.

"Okay then, Brooke, what are the odds you will get up, pretending to make an announcement but just say hi instead?" Rush asks her, smirking friend-like.

"One, two, three..." We chant.

"Three!" Brooke shouts as Rush says four. Brooke looks relived. I wouldn't have wanted to waste peoples time either.

"Hey, I got one!" Hayden pipes up. "Rush, what are the odds you tell us your crush?"

"One, two, three..."

"Two!" "One!" Rush and Hayden shout at the same time. "Yes!" Rush fist-pumps the air, glad he didn't have to tell us that. This is getting exciting.

"Hayden, what are the odds you will propose to Hayley?" Rush asks as Hayley giggles beside me.

"One, two, three..."

"Five!" Hayden and Rush both say. Immediately, Hayden gets up with something in her hand, and walks over to Hayley. She laughs as he gets down on one knee and says:

"Hayley, will you be my best friend forever?"

"Yeah." She replies still laughing. Hayden hugs her and I hear her whisper to him,

"Yes, only if you don't hurt my big sister." I almost cry. Hayden walks back to his seat and sits down. I pull Hayley into a hug.

"Congrats sis." I laugh. Hayley giggles and we all continue our game.

The adults clear off their plates and we get up. Everyone is ready to crash as soon as we get back. We all walk slowly in the dark back to our hotel rooms. We all say goodnight and go our separate ways. I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

A/N: I am so sorry I haven't uploaded in a bit. I have been busy catching up on work that I have missed due to instrumental stuff going on. I have also started drafting chapter 13 of this story and I am running out of ideas. I will find some somehow. I know how I said this book is about Hannie in Hawaii, but should I continue it to CVX live and then Chicken Girls that is going on right now? Okay, love you all so much! Bye


Love in Hawaii - a #hannie storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin