Chapter Two - Montgomery De Le Cruz

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Warning: there are some curse words and violence involved in this chapter.

My school days at Liberty High where pretty simple, skipping study hall in the beginning of the day with Monty just to walk around the school and talk about anything and everything, sometimes our "walks" included heated make out sessions in the janitor's closet and we never feared about getting caught.

That all changed slightly when Alex Standall, the boy who had so much hatred for me ever since Hannah Baker's death and I'm not even sure the exact reason to why he hated me, yes I was on the tapes, but it wasn't a horrible reason to why I was on them and the reason why I was on the tapes was just Hannah explaining why I shouldn't think I was the cause of her death, and now that I really think about it, Alex was probably thinking I was the main cause of her death, he clearly didn't put the facts together when he listened to the tapes and didn't think about the other people on the tapes.

I was just coming out of my third period history class, when Alex decided to push me up against a locker. He had me pinned up against that old rusty locker with all of his might. "You're a real bitch you know that right~.." he spat those words right in my face
"What the actual fuck Alex just let g-.." I felt his hand slap right across my face so hard, I can already feel the vivid red mark form onto my right cheek.

Suddenly a large force ripped Alex off of me, it was Monty, with a not-so-happy look on his face.
"Did you just fucking put your hands on my girl Standall?" Montgomery raises his voice slightly
"Oh yes I if you excuse me I have to wash my hands...don't want to catch any diseases because I touched her.." Alex scoffs and he turns around and starts to walk away from us but Monty grabbed his shoulder and spun him around so he was facing him.
"This is for putting your hands on MY girl..." he yelled louder emphasizing 'my'.
Attention from other students started to gain on Montgomery and Alex.

Montgomery clenched up his fist so hard his knuckles where turning white.
He swung his fist and hit Alex straight in his mouth with so much force it knocked Alex to the floor, his mouth was bleeding like crazy and Montgomery kicked him once and said "ever touch y/n again and you'll get a lot worse than that Standall.." Alex was on the floor and with his face buried in his hands then Mr.Porter's faint voice could be heard from a little bit away "what's all this commotion and blockage in the hallway?.." he asked one of the students clearly unaware of the violent events that had just occurred.

I grab Monty's hand, while my other hand was on my sore face and we ran as fast as we could out of that horrid school and to my car in the way back of the parking lot, we got in and I immediately sped out of the parking lot. We stopped at this random park and we just sat there in silence, as I broke out into sobs.
"Baby it's okay.." he sighs as he starts to tear up a little "I took care of it.." he takes both of his hands and uses them to take my face and point it at him, I winced at the sudden contact on the sensitive spot on my right cheek.

"I'm sorry I let this happen..." he says as he kisses my forehead
"It's not your fault.." I say as I connect my lips with his, we break this kiss after about 8-9 seconds and I place my forehead on his, and in that moment all my pain just went away.

"We legit just ditched school and left shitty standall on the floor.." I laugh a little as Montgomery does too

"You're my little badass.." he mumbles and he rubs my right cheek softly, "and he will never..ever do this to you again..." we both smile brightly

"Can't wait to get an earful from Mr.Porter and detention with you and fuck tard Alex tomorrow.." I giggle

"Who says we have to go to school tomorrow?..." he says as he looks into my eyes as they widen.

"You're right..." I chuckle which led to us both bursting out laughing.

After that, Monty and I just sat there in my car for about three hours more just enjoying each other's presence

793 words.

A/N: sorry for the short update but I hope you enjoy!! 🌻 - alohamil0 💛

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