Preference #1 - Your nicknames for each other

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A/N: This is only a few of the characters that I thought fit well for this chapter.

- your's: (what he calls you): baby girl/babe
- His: (what you call him): baby or Foley
You guys aren't too big on nicknames so you just stuck to the sort of basic ones, but Justin's big on PDA, because he's afraid of losing you, for example if he caught Bryce checking you out, he's not afraid to push you up against a locker and start to kiss you deeply.

- your's: your last name, shortie, baby, baby doll etc.
- his: daddy dempsey (😏😂), hottie, mine, etc.
You and Zach are what you would call the "athletic, but really fucking smart at the same time" couple of liberty high, so basically the "it" couple of liberty high...that includes a lot of nicknames, but surprisingly you guys aren't really big on PDA, but you still hold hands in public.

- your's: baby girl, mine, queen, etc.
- his: tough guy, king, "my attractive douche bag" for when he gets into fights, etc.
You guys where really into nicknames and let's just say most of the fights monty gets into are because if people just look at you the wrong way he'll fight them, they cat call you..he'll fight them, etc. you name anything a guy has done wrong to you he's fought that guy over it.

- your's: babe or baby
- His: lex, hot one, baby, baby boy, etc.
He wasn't really into nicknames, but you on the other hand where.

- your's: your last name, smartie, cutie, hun, hunny, baby girl, baby doll, etc.
- his: babe or baby.
You weren't really a fan of nicknames nor PDA, but you still loved that boy so much.

- your's: sunshine, hunny, sweets, etc.
- her's: love, babe, or baby.
Coming from a girl like Hannah, you wouldn't really expect her to be so big on nicknames because she seemed so shy and she was also surprisingly really into PDA.

- your's: babe, your last name, star, my light, sunshine, etc
- his: cutie, babe, baby, baby boy
Clay really likes to call you all of the cheesy nicknames' he could think of because he'd love to see you smile and laugh.

- your's: baby doll, baby girl, mine, shortie, etc.
- his: babe, baby, king, hot one/smart one.

392 words

A/N: sorry this was so short, but it's my first preference and I hoped you enjoyed tHis qUaLity cOnTenT 😂 - alohamil0 💛

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