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The first half of the fanmeet was done and I was so exhausted. Nayoung can't just wake me up from a 4-hour nap, expecting me to be energetic. She better treat me to a barbeque after this, or else I'll never be dragged by her again.

"Oppa, Taehyung is totally digging you." Nayoung whispered as she concentrated on taking pictures of a guy that had black hair and black cat ears on.

"Nayoung-ah, I don't know these people." I sighed as she quietly giggled before handing me seven business cards that each had a different member on them.

"Study that and I'll quiz you after I'm done taking a few pictures." Nayoung said as she stuck her tongue out a little as a sign that she was concentrating harder than she does with her grades.

I sighed before looking over each card and name while looking up here and there to see if I could recognize them. While doing so, I made contact with Taehyung...I think...before I went back to focusing on the cards. Gosh, his stare is intense.

"Oppa did you memorize the members?" Nayoung asked as I nodded my head before handing her the cards back while getting a text from someone.

"I actually need to make a pho--"

"Who's the one that's fighting for his chips?" Nayoung asked as I sighed and looked at the struggling boy while keeping my laughter in.

"That's Kim Seokjin." I answered as she clapped her hands quietly as I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

"Who's the one that's not giving Seokjin the chips?"

"Jeon Jungkook." Nayoung clapped her hands once again as I felt my phone going off once again. Whelp looks like I have a lot of explaining to do after this.

"Okay, who's my bias?" Nayoung asked with a serious face as I looked at the seven members before looking at the one with the black cat ears on.

"Min Yoongi, or for you, it's daddy." I said with a smirk as she slapped my arm with her flushed face.

I didn't mind that we were kind of causing a scene since I did say something embarrassing to her sort of loud, but she deserved it. Without even realizing, my horrific laughs escaped as I immediately sat up straight and pulled my serious face back together. I gave Nayoung a wink and a smile as she sneakily flipped me off.

"Okay, that includes today's fanmeet! If you have been chosen to be the lucky one to stay backstage with us then please wait here!" I think Namjoon said as the members thanked the fans.

"Nayoung I'll be right back." I quickly said as I answered the phone mainly scared of what might happen next.

"Oppa, take the badge so they know to let you backstage afterward." Nayoung said as she saw the caller ID and gave me a gentle smile following her actions.

"Yah Dongwoo-ah, why haven't you answered my previous calls?" My boyfriend, Hyunshik, asked with clear anger in his voice.

"M-Mian, I'm at a fanmeet for my sister..." I nervously answered as he sighed in response before mumbling something that wasn't too audible for me to hear.

"I don't want to continue with our relationship." Hyunshik said as I furrowed my eyebrows and leaned on the wall that was beside me.

"What do you mean? We've been together for 9 months, why are you breaking up all of a sudden?" I asked annoyed that he suddenly calls to break up, why couldn't he tell me in person.

"I was just seeing if I really like men or if I like girls. And I've noticed that I like girls more." He answered as I groaned and nodded my head even though he couldn't see how pissed I was at the moment.

"Alright well, I hope you had fun dating your little test subject then." I choked out as I had to force myself not to cry at a public place.

I hung up not wanting to hear any more of his nonsense as I then deleted and blocked his number. I walked to where it had signs on where the winner was supposed to be before showing the security my badge.

"Fuck my life."

I think I love you Taehyung X Male fanfic Where stories live. Discover now