Spoons are expensive

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Pairings : I mean, you and Tony are like friends?? 

Warnings : Confused Steve

 A/N$1.00 in 1940 had the same buying power as $17.25 in 2017. I feel like these are getting shorter?? And the endings are kind of similar??? I'll fix that.


Today, you and Tony were taking Steve out. Where? Well to Walmart of course! No, it's not as boring as you think. 

Because, the man who would be ever so good at discus, somehow hasn't been to a store yet, and does not know about the changes in currency. Which of course was perfect for you and Tony! Just record the confused Cap and then, when he gets annoying, A.K.A when he goes on one of those long patriotism speeches.  Just play the footage and boom! Steve is both quiet and flustered!

 Currently you were all in the kitchen isle waiting... Watching.. For Steve to actually look at the price of something!

But Finally it happened!

"Ten dollars for a spoon?! This is outrageous!! Tony how do people afford this?!!!" Now little old Stevie here was very, very, upset. This was hilarious until he went up to the manager.

 "Sir, not to be offensive but... Have you ever heard of the poor? Or the middle class?! Ten dollars, It's just a spoon!  How will people make their soup??!!? Also-

And that's how Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, and Y/N Y/LN got banned from Walmart.

Marvel OneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ