No arrow to the knee jokes around Hawkeye

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Pairing : None

Warnings : None

A/N: Hope you like it! Remember, constructive criticism is appreciated.


Little old Y/N was just walking around the Avengers tower. Well she was, until Steve 'Be a good citizen' Rogers came up and hauled her over to help clean up party decorations.

Whose party? Well, Tony Stark's and Pepper Potts' after marri- OH! I mean Pepper Stark. That's right folks! Tony Stark the infamous genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. Actually got married. And, mind you, had a wonderful marriage congratulation party. But now, it was the most dreaded part, the time to clean up.

Well then we should probably get back to you now.

Unhappily, you were trying to get a very sticky pop tart off your very unfortunate, soon to be thrown away sock. While peeling off crumbs and and a jelly like inside Y/N somehow got crumbs in her eyes. 

"Dammit Thor! Why mus you eat these fowl creatures?" Blinking and rubbing her assaulted eyeballs, a blurry vision of Tony came into view.

He snorts, and speaks in a baby voice with a fake pout. "Aw... little Y/N getting crumbs in her eyes? Poor Baby!"

With a growl yo quickly stand up, and try to swat him away. "Shut up Stark! You just got married, that's like taking an arrow to the knee oka-"

A  virtually impossibly loud scream erupted from your throat. Why such a scream? Well- "Clint fooking Barton! Did you just arrow me in the knee??!"




"You said you wanted an arrow to the knee."

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