"That smells good."

Emely glanced at Barry who was walking through the door. 

"You still gunna live here?"

Barry gave her a confused expression. "What do you mean?"

"I broke up with you. Doesn't that mean something?"

Barry had walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "No. Because I love you. And you know what else?"


Barry placed his mouth close to her ear and lowered his voice. 

"We're alone."

His voice caused a shiver to travel down her spine as her cheeks heated up. She took a deep breath as she felt his lips place a kiss on her neck. 

"Dinner can wait."

And she turned around and kissed him hard. He helped her jump and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He carried her over to the bed and dinner was soon forgotten about for a couple of hours. 

They were laying in bed, bodies close together after finally getting dressed and eating dinner. Barry was watching Emely sleep as her head rested against his chest. He felt himself getting sleepy and his eyes fluttered closed. The next he knew, he heard a scream which woke him up. His eyes flew open and he saw a figure sitting up on the bed. 

"Emely. What is it? What happened?"

Barry sat up and pulled her close to him. 

"I dreamt that you were yelling at me. That you were really mad."

Barry sighed and then placed a kiss on Emely's head. 

"It's the future that's messing with you. I'm never going to be mad at you and I'm certainly never going to yell at you."

Emely glanced at Barry before pressing her lips to his. She moved to where she was sitting in his lap and he wrapped an arm around her. 

"What are you doing?"

"We haven't been alone since the twins were born. And we haven't slept together since I got pregnant. We need to make up for the lost time, Barry."

She placed a kiss on his lips before trailing as far as she could. She stopped and took off his shirt, then paused. 

"Unless you want to go back to sleep."

Barry was silent for a couple of seconds. 

"What'd you have in mind?"

They spent hours together before Joe called and said he needed them. They were gunna go, but spent one last time together before meeting up with Joe. 

Emely ended up falling asleep in the backseat, tired from her night with Barry and because of what she dreamt of. Tracy and HR were talking and Killer Frost interrupted it. Everyone came to help, except Emely, who was still asleep. Barry chased Killer Frost around before bringing her back to Cisco, who tried to knock her out but couldn't. Barry took Killer Frosts's hit, which was meant for Cisco, and it sent him down some stairs. Killer Frost followed him and scraped an icicle on the railing. 

"Savitar says I'm not allowed to kill you but I can't have you following me around. It was the left leg last time, right?"

Barry was confused and had no time to think about what she was talking about, as she stabbed his leg with the said icicle. 

"Scar tissue's a lot more sensitive than regular tissue."

Barry grunted. "This isn't you!"

"It is now."


When Emely woke up, it her a few minutes to realize that she was in S.T.A.R Labs. She noticed a woman standing in the Cortex who looked similar to Tracy. Emely watched as she walked away and HR went after her. Barry noticed was awake, so he went over to her. 

"You get enough sleep?"

"I think so."

"But maybe I didn't tire you enough."

Emely smiled as Barry caressed her arm. "I think we did enough for one night."

"I disagree."

"Of course you would."

Barry pressed his lips to hers before he left to talk to Joe. Emely went to pick up the twins and take them home. 

"Hi, babies. Mommy's missed you."

As HR found Tracy, who had disappeared, Barry went home to find Emely with twins. 

"Look, it's daddy."

The twins cooed at Barry smiled at them. 

"It's been awhile since we've seen them."

"It has."

Barry and Emely were quiet as they stared at the twins. 

"When I was with Future Emely, and she reunited with the twins, I knew that she was regretting leaving them. And when Barry and Emely reunited, when they kissed for the first in years, I realized that I was scared. Scared that what we saw was our future together. As if the time we were together meant nothing. I don't want that."

"Baby, it won't be like that. I promise."

Barry placed a kiss on Emely's temple and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. 

As they were trying to maintain their relationship together, Joe and Cecile were letting their relationship crash against the rocks. 

"I think we should stop seeing each other."

"Really? That's what you think we should do?"

Joe nodded. "I think it's the best thing for the both of us."

"Here I was, thinking that being together was the best thing for both of us."

Cecile tried her hardest not to cry in front of Joe, even though she was clearly heartbroken. 

"I guess I'll, uh, I'll see you around the station Joe."

Cecile wanted Joe to say he was wrong, but he just watched as she left. Not a second has passed when there was a knock at the door. Joe hoped it was Cecile, which it was, but Joe never expected her to be in the clutches of Killer Frost with an icicle against her. 



Joe reached for his gun, but Killer Frost stopped him. 

"No! I guarantee you I'm much faster.'

Joe raised his hands up. "Caitlin. We can talk about this."

"I'll talk. You listen. In an hour, you're gunna get a messge with an address. Bring me Tracy Brand, or I will kill your little sweetheart."

Killer Frost slowly back away with Cecile and Joe tried to stop her, but she blasted him, which made Cecile scream. Joe crashed into a lamp, but wasn't hurt. When glanced up, Killer Frost was gone. 

And so was Cecile. 

 ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡

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