The Director glared at the intrusion and demanded what was going on!
The floor manager went on to explain that these extras had been on the golf cart that had broken down on it's way to meet the bus this morning, so had only just arrived.

I scanned my eyes towards their faces and my heart did an excited little flip, as I noticed that one of them, was in fact Amelia, who gave me a tiny subtle wave.

I beamed at her, so pleased that she was here, and I felt sure that she would either be down at the front with me, or even be taking my own place.
To be honest, it would not have even bothered me if she did, for I knew that she was a lot more talented and beautiful than I could ever hope to be.
It would be so obvious that they'd replace me with her.

I could see the Director pinch the bridge of his nose, before bustilling the late arrivals into their positions behind me.
This was a surprise to me, for I felt sure that I would be moved!
I could see Amelia put a subtle thumbs up to me and a huge grin also adorned her face.
She was genuinely pleased to see me stood down here and as I smiled back up at her, I could see that someone clearly was not!

The miserable looking girl, glared daggers at me, as standing at the back behind me was not where she wanted to be.
Her dark, brown eyes looked full of hatred and it made me nervous. So I put my head down and wondered why it bothered her so much, after all, no one else seemed to care, only her.

Turning away, I breathed deeply. I was not going to let her jealousy ruin things for me and I was determined not to let the Director down, for twice now he had placed me at the front.

Suddenly there was a big commotion from the bottom end of the Great Hall, as the adult actors made their way in.
Michael Gambon was his usual jaunty self, whilst Maggie Smith smiled at everyone. Then I saw Alan Rickman, dressed all in black and a face like thunder with cold, hard looking eyes that were as black as his hair.
I certainly didn't recognise him from the man I had met last night and for a moment the thought crossed my mind, was it really him at all!
His stride was tall and proud, looking straight ahead of him with his hands clasped tightly before him. His big, Roman shaped nose was unmistakable though and I was now satisfied that it was in actual fact, him that we had met last night after all.
He did seem though, curiously different from when I had seen him in his civvies, not only in how he was dressed but also his own persona. As all the others wouldn't get into their character until the camera's were actually rolling, Alan Rickman was already into his as soon as he entered the building.
For all in tense and purposes Severus Snape was alive and well and living at Hogwarts and for that reason alone, I found this actor to be particularly intriguing.

I watched as a make-up artist patted foundation onto his cheeks and around his large nose to make him look even paler.
He didn't look at her, nor did he acknowledge or thank her for her efforts but continued to look straight ahead as she busily put away her pads and brushes. She then turned to him again and began to lightly pull her fingers delicately through his hair, that I had realised only last night that it was in actual fact, a wig!
She was very gentle and precise in her work, but still the actor showed no emotion or gratitude in what she was doing.

I frowned at the scene before me.
How could he be so accomidating with us all, last night, with the time he took with each autograph and seeming to be genuinely happy about doing it, yet now, he looked so absolutely fed up to the back teeth of it all.

This was really strange to say the least.

Suddenly the Director started to clap his hand's loudly together.

" Come along now, places please everybody, hurry up now!".    He barked loudly.

Everyone began scurrying around frantically as the actors  strode into their respective positions.
I shook my hands down loosely by my sides and proceeded to stand tall, making my face appear angry for when Daniel Radcliffe walked by.

TEARS FROM THE MOONNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ