Moving day

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Tell me what you really like...
Y/N presses play on her phone as she starts moving her boxes of stuff to the moving truck.
Her family and her where moving to Queens because her parents have gotten a job there.
Baby we can take our time
And she finished putting away the last stuff in the truck she got a text

Best Friend😂😩
I'm going to miss you Y/N!

Imma miss you too buddy❤️

Best Friend😂😩
Promise that you'll Skype me?

Yep! Every day if I can.

Best Friend😂😩
Ok good!

"N/N! we're leaving now"
She looks up and takes out her ear phones to see her dad calling from your car.
"Okay! Coming!" You yell

Well we're about to leave. So I gtg love you!
  Then she turns off her phone and rushes to the car.
"You exited Y/N?" Her mother asks as she turns her head to the 15 year old.
"Uh I guess." She wasn't  sure. I mean she was leaving her perfectly fine life behind. But also its exciting to move.
It won't be that bad there right?
"And we're off!" Her dad yells as they start to drive.
She puts her earphones back in and listens to her music.
A 7 hour drive.

After a lot of sleeping.

"We're here!" Your dad yells.
Y/N looks at her house from the outside
The front of the house was nice enough it was a small white house with 4 visible windows from the front. The door was a navy blue.
She exits the car and enters the house after her parents. The inside was equally as nice as the outside. Though it was smaller than she expected almost the size off an apparent. The teen girl ran up stairs to check out her room.
Master bedroom... restroom... closet...
Her room it was already painted a white colour.
It was big enough for her. She wasted no time and started putting stuff in her room.

After a couple of hours she finished her room.
She stood at the doorway to take in her room with a sigh

She stood at the doorway to take in her room with a sigh

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

She felt a hand on her shoulder.
"Good job with your room." Your dad comments.
"Well supper is ready so come down."
"Okay, just gotta do something first."
He nods and goes down stairs. She sighs and sits on her bed. She then lays down and look up.
School starts tomorrow. What will I do?
You think.
She checks her phone.

Then runs down to eat.

Time skip...

Her and her parents turn on the T.V.
Your dad being a dad checks the sports channel.
"Seriously Dad?" You say annoyed.
"Okay fine." He switches to the next channel which happens to be a news channel.
"Breaking news. There's been a robbery at an ATM. Faces masked with Avengers mask. Suddenly Spider-Man comes and tries to stop the criminals." The reporter says. Avengers you've heard of them after the whole Ultron and other things but Spider-Man? You've never heard of him.
"But they had weapons unidentified. One of them burdened threw the wall destroying Deli-Grocery. Luckily the owner was rescued by Spider-Man but the criminals escaped." Weird.

The teen girl got up.
"Um. I should go to bed. You know school tomorrow and all."
"Good night sweetie." Your mother says.
Then you run upstairs.
You got into bed and fell asleep.

First chapter complete you like it?
Anyways vote and comment.
Love y'all

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