A bus ride to DC

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I was helping out set up the table for supper, when I hear a 'ding'. I look down at my phone and see that I got an email. From the school. I click on the email and read it.

Dear Y/N,
In your resumé that you gave us it stated that you were, in fact, part of the Academic Decathlon at your previous school.
Tomorrow, we leave to go to Washington DC, for the national competition. And unfortunately one of our team members just bailed, because he got sick. This might be very short notice but we would really appreciate if you accept.
Thank you, (and if you do accept come to the bus on the other end of the school, when you first arrive at school.)
~Midtown High School, Academic Decathlon coach.

Wow okay, definitely last minute. But I'll do it. I mean why not? I'll go inform the coach tomorrow.

The next day...

So when I got to school, I did what I was told to do and went to the bus. I saw students there with yellow blazers on. Such as...
-Liz Allen
-Some other people I don't know...
Anyways, this would be my team. I greeted every one and stood there awkwardly in front of the bus doors waiting for the coach. Then I heard
"Hey, it's Peter!" I whip my head and see Peter running over.
"Guys..." he said
"Peter?" Liz asked
"Yeah, I was wondering if I could rejoin the team?" He said. Wait rejoin?
Then Flash cut in.
"No. No way! You can't just quit on us, show up and be welcomed back by everyone!"
Then that's when the coach of the team got out of the bus.
"Hey! Welcome back Peter!" Then he turns his head to Flash "Flash you're back to first alternate."
"What?" Flash asks.
"He's taking your place!" Answers another. Some people giggled.
Then Michelle came in.
"Uh, excuse me could we go, already 'cause I was hoping to get some light protesting from one of the embassy's before dinner."
"Protesting is patriotic. Let's get on the bus!" He motioned people to get on the bus. "Oh Y/N! Thanks for coming! It is greatly appreciated. Here I'll give you a blazer in the bus. And don't worry we will practice in the bus so you get used to the whole thing again."
"Okay! Thanks."
Then people start getting in the bus while Flash throws the jacket to Peter.

As we drove to Washington DC, Liz asked us questions. And we answered them. I answered a lot of them, and by the looks on the others faces, they where impressed. While we continued, at one point, Peter had to take a phone call so he went in the back.
I got a bit bored, so I looked out the window enjoying the view. With a sigh, I smile. Oh! I almost forgot! I had to call my mom to let her know that everything is okay.
"Hey Liz? I gotta call my mom. I'll be just a minute." She nodded and with that I went into the back. I pass Peter and Ned and walk to the very back.
I call my mom and tell her everything is okay and that we are about half way there, then I go back to my original seat.
After about a good 35 minutes we got to our destination. The bus parked and we all got of the bus. We walked inside and I look around in 'aw'. Even if I was part of the team at my old school last year. We never actually came here.
"Okay guys we have to stick together." I hear the coach say.

We where assigned to our rooms. And I, luckily was with Michelle.
After the day ended we all went to our rooms.
In our room we did basically nothing we talked about random things and laughed over the weirdest stuff. But then we heard a knock on our door.
I opened it. And there stood the one and only Liz.
"Hey Y/N, we're going swimming. You girls should come." I turn my head back to Michelle.
"Nah I'm good." She says. "But go ahead Y/N."
I smiled at her, then turned back to Liz.
"I guess I'm coming! I be just a sec."

As we run down to the pool, I see Liz talking to Peter. Then see motions us to come over.
We run while giggling. And as I pass Peter I wave and smile. He sees me and smiles. Then turns his attention back to Liz. I keep running with the others then finally Liz joins us again. We get to the pool and jump in.
I could say it was a pretty fun night.

How'd ya like it? Vote if you liked it.'cause I enjoyed writing it. And I can't believe it! Already 200 views?!? Like whaaaat! This is amazing guys!
Anyways bye!

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