Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

(y/n)'s POV

     We got down eventually. Levi helped us. He was very close to leaving Jean up there though, just because he felt life was better without him. Me too. We went inside to eat a quick dinner before going to bed. We didn't have to share the same bed again, because Eren had his own bed today.

     "Hey," Jean whispered from across the room.

     "Pssst," he continued. "You awake?" He asked.

      "I wish I wasn't." I replied. He sighed. "Um... This may seem a little weird for me to say right now but... I'm sorry," he said quietly. I sighed. "I forgive you." I replied. "But pull a stunt like that again and i'm finding a new friend." I stated clearly. "Ok, fine," he agreed.

     "Good night." We said in union. I turned on my side and remembered what Jean said yesterday. That we were going to help garrison and go on the walls. I was a little scared to be that high up, but that was my only fear I had. I couldn't see titans so I didn't need to be afraid of them.

     I woke up to sunlight pouring in from the windows. I stretched before checking to see if Jean was awake. He was tossing and turning in his sleep, but not awake yet. I decided to take a shower and change cloths.

     After the shower I walk out in my uniform to see Jean in his. I gave a quick nod as a greeting, sense he looked a little too sleepy to talk. He nodded back and off we went to breakfast.

     We sat at the same table like always, and Levi gave us a lecture about what was to come. We were going to go on top of the walls, and watch the titans, he told us. I sighed. This was going to be boring. At least I could get some real fresh air. In 2020, there is no such thing as fresh air. Pollution is everywhere. It's terrible. I never told anyone in this world about it, though. They were probably curious.

    After breakfast was time to go. We all got on horses, which I had gone horseback riding before in 2020, and it wasn't too difficult so this shouldn't be any different...

     I was wrong. I regret everything. The horses weren't domesticated as much as they are in 1000 years, again, not surprising, but I wasn't expecting to be this wild. I had to ride a horse with Jean. He was actually good at controlling them, (because he's one of them himself) so I rode with him.

     "Are you impressed?" Jean asked. So I told him what I was thinking.

     "Pfft. There's a building in 2020 I've been to that's 1454 meters high. It's called the Empire state building in New york." And I could've sworn the whole team stared at me like I was crazy.

     "Have you been to the top?" Jean asked, scared of my answer.

     "Yup. Twice." I answered confidently. "Only twice?!" He laughed at me.

     "Hey! It was really far away from where I lived! Plus it was exciting to travel long distances like that!" I answered.

     "Stop arguing. We're going on the walls now." Levi stated. We all shut up and followed his instructions.

~Heyy we finished another chapter! Sorry if you've never been to NYC or to the empire state building. I was going off of what i've done just because it went along with the story. Have a good day~~

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