Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

(Y/N)'s POV

     I don't get the point. Jean is obviously too... Ignorant to know that in 1000 years, believe it or not, fighting techniques have improved. And as a matter of fact, Ada had convinced me to join martial arts with her. We would practice all the time because of our love for it...

     Jean threw a fist at me, snapping me out of my thoughts. I caught his fist and round-house kicked him, sending him flying into a tree... Oops.

     I walked over to him and poked him in the cheek. He was out cold. I laughed to myself a little before leaning on the tree he was leaning on and waiting for him to wake up.

     I fell asleep waiting, and was woken up by him waking up.

     "Oww..." His voice drifted off. He was holding his head.

     "I should've told you about that... My bad," I shrugged if off. Eh, he'll know next time. He stood up and tried to kick me, but it didn't work. I grabbed his leg and he fell on his butt again.

     "I thought you would learn your lesson by now but I guess not," I laughed. He groaned and walked away, pissed. I giggled once again before following.

     "Pfft, even that girl can beat you!" Eren laughed at Jean, leading him to get pissed off even more. He didn't have a comeback for himself so I decided to help him out a little. After all, we are... 'friends'.

     "Well, Eren, just so you know, 1000 years from now the fighting techniques have improved a lot, and even an idiot should know that." I giggled at my own response. Jean looked at me in shock, because in reality, he was as dumb as Eren is. Eren didn't need to know that though.

     For the time being, everyone decided I was already caught up with fighting, (more so than they were themselves), and decided to take a small break.

     I was thinking during the break, and I thought how wonderful this new world was compared to my boring 2020 world. There was no trash anywhere like there is in 1000 years, no fighting countries, no politics- that I know of, a lot more plants and flowers, which I had recently found an interest in more and more. Lastly, there were cute boys everywhere. Including my new friend Jea- WAIT, did I just think that! I snapped back into reality to find myself blushing at my own thoughts. I look up to see Jean.

     "If you're going to think about me, make it a little more discreet, you face is burning red!" Jean smirked.

     "Hey! Says the guy that was too embarrassed to even think about sleeping with me!" I thought of an excuse as quick as possible, but it wasn't any good. He smirked at me once again before sitting by me.

     "Tomorrow we are going to patrol the walls, and help the Garrison a little." Jean said to me on a serious note. I nodded. I was a little nervous, because I'd never been on anything that high before. I also still needed to learn how to use my 3DMG. Jean could tell I was a little nervous.

     "After this break, I'll help you learn to use 3DMG," he reassured me. I nodded, feeling better.

     "I think Jean found a girlfriend! Just look at the way he looks at her! He hasn't looked or talked to anyone that way before!" A boy with a shaved head teased. I blushed. I looked over at Jean, who looked like he was about to throw a tantrum. There he goes again. Back into character. I like the kind side of him, though, too.

     "While Jean is dealing with Connie, do you mind if I start training you on how to use your 3DMG?" A voice said from above. I looked up and saw Eren, holding a hand out for me to take to stand. I took it, and we were off.

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1000 Years Later (Jean x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon