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At first, Lily didn't like James, but there was something about him that intrigued her. He was certainly determined, and if it wasn't for the fact he was such an arrogant toe rag, he seemed like the kind of guy she could be friends with. Years passed, and the Mudblood incident happened. And for the first time, she saw the side of James Potter no one ever saw. She saw the kind, loyal, and sensitive side to James. He consoled her and told her that Snape didn't deserve her friendship if he was going to say anything like that, sure, he offered to break Snape's nose for her, but he also made sure she knew that blood status wasn't important, it was personality, love, and the soul of the person that was important.

It was from that moment that Lily Evans realized she loved James Potter, but she wasn't ready to admit it just yet. It was when he started to shape up and stop jinxing and hexing people for fun in sixth year, and took his duties as Head Boy seriously in seventh year that she finally admitted to James that she loved him.

It was a love that lasted them to the end of their lives.

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