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  Cupid flew into the grand hall laced with tall pillars dipicting angels going about their daily tasks. He landed on the marble floor, inwardly he shivered as his barefeet touched the floor. His white wings automatically retracted between the slits of pale, creamy skin in his back. He bowed deeply until the figure sitting in the throne chair waved their hand gesturing for him to rise. Cupid stood back up quickly, "She is ready."

The figure raised their eyebrows, "Already? Are you positive?"

Cupid nodded quickly, "I know she is."

He waved his hand once again, "Then you know what must be done."

Cupid nodded again and then hesitated, "....My liege are you certain we should force a life of solitude upon the girl?"

The shadowy figure rose to his feet immediately, "Are you questioning me?"

The white winged male winced, "No, not at all sir.."

The figure went on as if he had never been interrupted, "My son can not fall in love with that behemoth. Do you understand?"

Cupid bowed low to the ground, his feathery white wings brushing the floor, "Yes sir.."

Cupids WarriorWhere stories live. Discover now