Chapter 2: Umi's Secret

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"Move out of my way, please..." A short black haired girl with two low ponytails and pinkish red eyes said in a nice but mean manner. Eli then looked at her classmate for a while before moving out of her way, while motioning the others to also move out of the way. Once she was away from hearing distance Eli turned and looked at her.

"Geez what's her problem?" Eli asked a little annoyed. Another girl then began running after the black haired girl, she had red hair and sharp purple eyes, Eli then blinked a couple of times as she noticed that the girl looked familiar.

"Sorry about her, she's just angry that she couldn't get into UTX, now if you'll excuse me," the red head said before taking off after the black haired girl. Eli then looked back at the others.

"Well I gotta go to class, and I suggest you do the same," Eli said waving as she ran away into the school. Honoka, Kotori and Umi then began running into the building as well as they went to class. However as they entered the classroom, all three of them handed in their application forms, before going to their respective seats. The teacher then walked in and began doing his lessons that most people, including Honoka, didn't really listen to. She looked around the classroom and watched the others play around using their quirks. One of them threw a pencil across the room right at Honoka, which she easily caught and threw it back. She then heard the teacher, begin to turn back towards the class after writing on the board and pretended to look like she was writing her notes down so she wouldn't get into trouble. However he then asked the class the question they were all waiting to ask for.

"By the way, which High School did you guys apply for?" He asked. Everyone then looked up at him, they then looked at each other before grinning confidently and began showing him their quirks. As Kotori lit herself up and the person in front of Honoka then flexed as their muscles became three times the size of them. While Umi took the water from her water bottle and began moving it around in a circle. The teacher then chuckled a little to himself. "I guess that was a stupid question to ask," he then picked up the stack of papers where Honoka, Umi and Kotori all put their applications into. He began to skim through then. "Most of you want to either go into UTX or U.A," He then looked at the first three in his left hand. He looked up at the class. "Kousaka, Sonoda, and Minami all want to go to Otonokizaka?" He said looking at them. The rest of the class turned to look at them, before beginning to laugh at them.

"You want to apply at a dump like that!?" One of the students in front of Honoka asked while laughing.

"What a joke!" Another one said. Honoka then clenched her teeth and slammed her hand on desk loudly while standing up, her chair sliding back behind her as she stood up.

"So what!? It just means that we're willing to take a risk that you guys were too scared to take!" Honoka then said letting her anger get the best of her. Umi and Kotori looked concerned for their friend as one of the other students then stood up while turning around and making his way over to Honoka.

"Huh? What was that you just said!" He then grabbed Honoka by the collar of her shirt while lifting her up, but Honoka didn't move.

"Hey hey calm down now we're in the middle of class," the teacher said trying to calm everyone down.

"What are you afraid of a little violence?" The student then said smirking at the teacher. Honoka sighed.

"Can you let me down please? I'd rather not get into trouble before going to Otonokizaka. It'd leave a bad name on me," Honoka said, annoying the student.

"Yeah sure," he then threw her up and clenched his fist, ready for gravity to take over so her could punch her. However as she did begin to fall, Honoka then grabbed his fist and pulled it towards he before kneeing him in the face. He then yelled in pain as her held his now probably broken nose, as it started to bleed. Honoka landed on the ground and sighed.

"Are you done?" Honoka asked looking at him. He then gritted his teeth but reluctantly stepped down.

"I'm going to go the nurse's office," he said angrily as he walked out of the door, Honoka then took a shaky breath before showing Kotori and Umi a thumbs up. Honoka then looked at them and much to their surprise, she had a runny nose and tears were falling out of her eyes.

"H-Honoka!?" Umi and Kotori asked worriedly.

"Man that was really scary...but I managed to keep my cool the whole way!" Honoka said. The teacher then whacked Honoka in the back of the head with his book.

"Yes yes that was all very cool and entertaining to watch, however it doesn't change the fact that you disobeyed the rules. Off to the principal's office now," he said. Honoka then sighed, but reluctantly listened to what he said and left the classroom to go to the principal's office. "Alright back to your seats now everyone! Class isn't over yet," everyone then groaned as they went to their seats. Umi then touched Kotori's back, which made her turn around.

"Umi-chan? What's wrong?" Kotori asked. Umi motioned her to get closer so the teacher couldn't hear them talking in the middle of his lesson. Kotori leaned in closer.

"I need to talk to you after class," she then thought for a little bit. "Alone. I don't want Honoka to hear this," Umi whispered. Kotori looked at her confused at first, but then nodded her head.

"Alright," Kotori said.

~After School~

"So what did you want to talk about, Umi-chan?" Kotori asked looking around at the empty classroom. Umi then looked at the floor as she held her right arm.

"You see, it's about my mother," Umi then paused. "You see my mother doesn't want me to go to Otonokizaka..." Kotori looked at her surprised.

"But you said that-" 

"Because Honoka was there!" Umi interrupted, making Kotori jump a little.

"Then what should we do?" Kotori asked.

"I made a deal with her. If I win at least the first round of the one on one fights, then I can stay at Otonokizaka. However if I can't do that then-" the door of their classroom then suddenly slid open, revealing Honoka.

"Man! That was dumb and boring! The old fart just wouldn't stop talking!" Honoka complained as she walked inside the classroom.

"Honoka!" Umi yelled, making Honoka flinch.

"Woah!? Umi-chan!? Kotori-chan too!? What're you guys doing here?" Honoka asked. 

"D-did you possibly hear anything we said?" Kotori asked. Honoka then looked over at Kotori and tilted her head.

"No? Why? Was it important?" Honoka asked. Umi and Kotori then looked at each other, before looking back at Honoka, while smiling.

"Nope! Now let's go home!" Kotori chirped happily. Honoka then smiled back before nodding.


Honoka ran over to get her stuff, while Umi and Kotori waited for her outside the classroom.

What do I do? If I lose in the sports festival fight I won't be able to be with them anymore... Umi then bit the bottom of her lip. Kotori looked over at Umi concerned, but before she could talk to her, Honoka ran up to them.

"Ready to go?" Umi asked.

"Yep!" Honoka said happily, but inside she was angry and upset as she knew what Umi and Kotori were talking about.

Authors Notes

Finally got this chapter done! Sorry it took so long but I couldn't think of any good things to write about. I had kind of dug my own hole and got myself stuck in it haha, but now I've got it completed, so I hope you enjoy it! And well yeah that's all I've got to say so I guess I'll see you guys in the next update!

Otonokizaka Hero Academia {Love Live AU} {Love Live x Boku No Hero Crossover}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz