Kids vs Adults ( First Fight)

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Hiro,Violet,Wilbur,Penny and Baymax fell through the phased floor and out of the celling, Baymax activated his wing and flied toward the four grab them one at a Time.Baymax landed gently down on the ground.

Hiro: Thanks Baymax

Violet: Where are we

Wilbur: A empty room with a bunch of crates with weapons in em.

Suddenly Callaghan and Sydrome walked three paces toward the four and Baymax.

Hiro: I'm gonna ask if your gonna come quietly, But your answer going to be no.

Wilbur: Duh, Their Criminals.

Callaghan: A big boy in a suit of armor,who lost his brother and trying to become a hero.

Hiro: It was your fault Tadashi died, You stole my microbots.

Callaghan: Take off the armor and what are you?

Hiro: an average ordinary robot prodigy genius who lives with his aunt and lost his mother and father, And you are an old man who nearly lost his only daughter. You better be grateful that I saved your daughter, Because if I knew that you would team up with three idiots I would've left Abigail in that portal.

Callaghan: This won't be an easy fight.

Hiro: I made more microbots, So this won't be an easy fight for you.

Wilbur: Yeah if you look closely, There are four of us and only two of you,What are gonna do?

Two big figures came walking behind Callaghan and Syndrome. It was Doris in her Robotic combat armor and Calico in his giant robotic power armor.

Wilbur: Let's do this.

Hiro stands in a fighting position, Violet makes a Force Field Manipulation Ball, Wilbur's hand starts glowing blue and Penny take's out a electromagnetic blade. Hiro and Callaghan put their hands out and each others microbots and the microbots clash into each other,Syndrome shoots a zero point energy blast out of his gauntlet and Violet used her force field to block,Wilbur makes a blue ball of lightning and throws it at Doris and it hits her.

Wilbur: What, your just gonna stand there and take it?You don't have the guts,in fact you don't have a gut.

Doris turns her robotic arm into an arm canon and points it at Wilbur.

Wilbur: Or do have a gut( laugh nervously).

Doris blast her arm Canon at Wilbur,Wilbur dodges by jumping and flipping. Penny fires her subzero gauntlet at Calico to freeze him,Calico dodges and fired seven missiles at Penny.She jumped out of the way and ran towards Calico,pull out her electronic staff,twirled it and start attacking Calico.Hiro and Callaghan started panting, Hiro blast a red beam out his palm of his iron gloves.

Callaghan: Look at you,trying to become a hero,trying to keep a promise to your deceased brother,your nothing but a pathetic small brain child.

Hiro: Says you, I don't know how you broke out of jail, But your just a selfish foolish garlic breath bot stealing dirty thinking solo meal non slinging old sucker.

Hiro raised his hand and shoots a red beam at Callaghan,While Hiro was fighting Callaghan, Violet trapped Syndrome in a force field.

Syndrome: You think you can keep me in here?

Syndrome pressed a button his gauntlet and shot Violet with zero point energy. He throw Violet to a wall and Violet fell down on the floor.

Syndrome: Face it Invisigirl, Your weak.

Violet got really upset,She felt insulted,So she stands up and stares at Syndrome.Violet eyes start glowing purple, Her hair starts blowing to the left her hands starts glowing purple. Violet unlocked a new power just like Wilbur.It was called Ultra Rage,Violet was glowing purple.

Wilbur: Woah,That's the same same super ability that I unlocked.

Violet super jumps towards Syndrome and punched him twelve timed and kicked four times. Syndrome fell down to the ground unconscious.

Violet: Woah, I did not know I could that.

Penny takes cover from Calico's missile swarm.

Calico: You don't stand a chance.

Penny: We'll see about that.

Penny closes her eyes and she starts glowing orange, She opens her eyes and starts glowing orange.She unlocked Mega Rage. Penny runs toward Calico, poked him in the green eye and punched him in the jaw and kicked him in the face.Calico falls back with a bleeding jaw.

Penny: Now that's a Mega Rage.

Wilbur use his Electrokinesis to gather any electronic source to him. Wilbur blast a blue beam of lightning at Doris, Doris started malfunctioning and shut Down.Callaghan continue to use microbots to attack Hiro, Hiro dodge many of Callaghan attacks.

Hiro: Baymax martial arts time buddy.

Baymax flies towards Callaghan and Callaghan launches microbots at Baymax.

Baymax: Hammer Fist, Knife Hand, Back Kick, Side Kick.

Baymax attacks the microbots and Hiro keeps blasting them,Callaghan got tired and got down on his right knee, But he kept attacking. Hiro runs toward Callaghan and use Telekinetic powers to bring a few metal pieces to his hand, He raises his hand and the metal pieces covered his hand making a iron fist and he punches Callaghan. Callaghan falls back on ground and slowly gets back up.

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