Operation Base Invasion

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A portal open and Wilbur Time Machine and Baymax filed out of it into San Fransokyo, Baymax lets go of the Time Machine and flied beside it.

Hiro: Alright, Baymax use your enhanced scanner to find the villains.

Baymax activates his scanner in his helmet and scanned the city.

Baymax: I have found a match ....In that abanded shack.

Hiro: That's the same shack when me and Baymax found Callaghan, I'm also pick up four heat signature.

Wilbur: I'm picking up something on the navigation unit.

Penny: I think we need to investigate.

Hiro: Follow me

Baymax flied ahead of the Time Machine with Hiro and Violet on his back. Wilbur and Penny followed in the Time Machine.

Hiro: We're getting close, just land there quietly Baymax.

Baymax flied toward the shack and landed in front it.Hiro and Violet jumped down off of Baymax's back.Wilbur landed the Time Machine and activated camouflage mode.

Hiro: Woah, I'm picking up a lot of heat signature.

Penny: Well, Syndrome did say him and villain buddies have an army.

Hiro: Yeah But the heat signature are below us, Let's go.

Hiro heads towards the shack with Violet, Wilbur, Penny and Baymax following him.

Hiro: Wilbur, Can you blast the door the down?

Wilbur: Sure thing.

Wilbur use his powers makes a big ball of thunder and blast the door.

Hiro: Huh, I thought they were going to be here.

Baymax: There is a elevator.

Hiro, Violet,Wilbur, Penny and Baymax head toward the elevator and Hiro selected the underground floor.

Wilbur: The villains have an underground base, that's lame.

The four and Baymax ride the elevator way down to the ground.

Hiro: Weird

Penny: What?

Hiro: I picking up a heat twenty two heat signature above us,Could be guards.

Baymax: I have scan Professor Callaghan and the other enemies, It appears their base forward above ground.

Wilbur: Forward above ground?

Hiro: It means we gotta move forward and the base will be above ground.

Wilbur: You mean riding that platform in this type of tube, We'll get to their above ground secret base?

Hiro: Yes

Hiro,Violet,Wilbur,Penny and Baymax walked on to the platform and the platform started moving forward to  another elevator.They walked in to the elevator and selected the base floor and elevator went up to the secret base.

Penny: So what's the plan?

Hiro: We go in, take down the guards in stealth and put an end to our arch enemies plans.Everybody clear on the plan.

Violet: Of course

Penny: Yeah

Wilbur: Clearly we were not thinking of anything different.

The elevator went above ground and stop and the door opened.

Hiro: Let's go

The four and Baymax walked out of the elevator quietly into the hallway.Hiro activated his sensor in his helmet and shows twenty two heat signature.

Hiro ( whispering): I'm picking up two heat signature nearby.

Wilbur: Where?

Hiro: In front of us.

There are two of Calico's men up ahead of the hallway.

Hiro: Violet, turn invisible and take out the guard on the left. Wilbur, you take out the guard on the right.

Violet: Got it

Wilbur: Whatever you say

Violet turned invisible walked toward the guard on the left and Wilbur sneaks behind the guard on the right.Wilbur jumps in front of the guard on the right and used his electricity powers to stun him and Violet swipes the gun away from the guard on the left and hit him in the stomach, head and back,She drops the gun,turn visible and back kick him in the face and both guards were unconscious.

Hiro: Nice Work

Penny: Nice move

The four and Baymax walks to the left hallway and saw four guards and a large computer inside a big room.

Penny: The Calico Super Computer,If we can access it,We'll find out what their plan is.

Wilbur: But how are we gonna get to it?

Hiro: I used to watch Bolt on T.V.

Penny: So?

Hiro: You still got that penny in your pocket.

Penny: Sure

Hiro: Distract them with it,I'll take out those three guards and you use your subzero gauntlet to freeze the guard that's left.

Hiro and Penny nods their heads and Penny tossed her coin on the floor and it starts rolling in the middle of the room and stopped.One of the guards walked up to the coin and picked it up and took a look at it,While the guard was distracted, Hiro used his microbots to cover his hand and maked a Microbiotic fist and attacked the other three guards.The fourth guard heard the noise and pointed his gun at Hiro.

Hiro: Penny Now!

Penny jumped out and raised her hand,pointed her gauntlet at the guard and shot a beam of ice out of her hand and frozen him.

Hiro: Excellent.

Hiro,Violet,Wilbur,Penny and Baymax ran towards the Super Computer.By the time they got there Hiro sat down in the chair and looked up the plan.

Hiro: Got it.

Wilbur: Let me guess,It's a plan for world domination.

Hiro: Yeah, How you know?

Wilbur: Uhhh....It was lucky guess.

Violet: By why would they want world domination?

Hiro: Their building this thing called  Project Armada.

Wilbur: What's Project Armada?

Hiro: It's a ship armed with a powerful beam that will break the world in pieces.

Wilbur: What happens if they do?

Hiro: Their gonna give the world a chance to surrender and if the world say no their going to rip the world in four pieces and that means their going to put the world back together in their own version.

Penny: Which means what?

Baymax: Their going to put your dimension together and takeover.

Syndrome ( on the intercom): Congratulations Kids, you discover our secret and you deserve your prize.

Wilbur: The limited edition of the best video game in the future SuperBots 4.

Syndrome: That won't do

Hiro: Then,What is it?

Syndrome: One way ticket on the butt whoopen express, all aboard ( woo woo).

Syndrome pressed a red button and the floor in the room with the super computer started to phased the four and Baymax fall through it screaming.

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