1. The Greatest Story Ever Told

Start from the beginning

They had only a second to duck back as one of the creatures swung it's thick, bulbous tail, almost bludgeoning them to death. But they managed to dodge, and they were fortunate that it paid them no attention. No, it already had its prey. Together, Toby and Austin viewed the three different abominations that fought with their comrade. After all, they hadn't been the only ones to come through the portal, and they'd wondered what had happened to her. Now they knew. She held up well against the hideous beasts, fighting with a valiancy that only she possessed.

"We have to help her," despite his fear, Austin had always been pure of heart, and he couldn't stand by and watch as their friend perished when they did nothing.

"No, she's on her own." But Toby was selfish, and he pulled on him hard, dragging him back into the tunnel and pushing him so that his back was flat against the edge. He didn't like leaving her out there by herself either, but the choice came down to protecting her, or protecting Austin, and that was a choice that he'd always been willing to make.

"We're going to die." Austin began to cry again, and he closed his eyes as his voice turned into a whine. In defeat he fell forward, into the thing he'd always loved more than all else, and mourned.

"No, I promised you, you hear me?" Still Toby was resolute, and he refused to give up. It broke his heart more than anything to hear him talk like that, and he just wanted to save him. Whatever words of comfort he could've said were cut short, and they heard their friend scream terribly from just around the corner, and they both knew that she'd been unable to fight off her attackers. She was dead, but he refused to follow after her, and he swallowed hard as he focused. "We're going to have to fight our way through. Are you listening? Can you do that?"

Austin's only response was the nod he gave him, and he caught Toby by the arm before he could leave him. One last kiss. Even if the hybrid didn't believe it, he knew that it would be their end, and he savored the embrace. Then it was over, and he followed the man he loved to his death. He'd sworn to never raise his hand in violence again, but that wasn't a conviction that he could die with. So he fought. The three aberrations that had killed their friend noticed them instantly, and they became engaged in battle. They weren't holding up well as it was, but the rest of the champions that had been pursuing them poured out of the tunnel and they were surrounded.

There was one that had a jaw which came apart in eight pieces, and Austin didn't see it as it came up behind him. But Toby did, and without thought he shoved him out of the way, no time to feel the mandibles closing around and crushing his own skull. Austin screamed, weeping bitterly as he watched Toby's headless body collapse to the ground, and it was almost a relief when he felt the sharp pain in his gut. He looked down to see the claw-like appendage sticking out of it, and when he raised his head again he found another one shoved through his eye. Then it was over, and he was dead, joining his lover there.

It was a terrible thing to keep thinking on, and Austin shuttered as he stood in front of the mirror. How he wished that all of that would never come to pass. But now was not the time to entertain such notions, and he knew that the day was supposed to be a happy one. And despite the horrible scene that haunted him-that had been haunting him since last year-he was happy. Nothing could take away the joy of the day, not even that, and he continued to fiddle with his tie as he tried to figure out how it was supposed to go.

"Lost in thought?" Monica's voice sounded from behind him, but instead of turning he merely viewed her in the reflection, seeing that she leaned in the door. He was surprised to see her; it wasn't like she'd been invited. Then again, she'd never needed an invitation for anything, and upon further thought he decided it wasn't surprising at all. Still, he said nothing to her, and she took his oath of silence as initiative, moving closer until she was stationed right in front of him, taking the tie from his hands and chuckling quietly under her breath. "You clearly need some help, may I?"

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