Before We Start...

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STATUS- ongoing 


*Disclaimer- all characters, events, and settings are all made up by me. Any relations to real characters, events, or settings are (hopefully) purely coincidental. 

*Please notify me if any character, event, or setting is similar to any other story or movie.


Updates- every Saturday

Predicted chapter length- 15 to 20 chapters

Word Count- 6066 words


Sixteen-year-old Sakiya Suzuki is part of the Perfect Elite, a fifteen- membered group of citizens dedicating their life to ruling the country.

As their name suggests, these leaders are perfect, gifted with enhanced genes within their bloodline. However, that doesn't mean their country is perfect.

Torn between helping the people or playing as the dictator, Sakiya is trapped within lies and deceit from people she trusted the most...


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