*Bonus* The Conversation

Start from the beginning

"That's Melody for you.", Trish laughed slightly, moving from the wall to sit down in the chair in the corner of the room.

I let out a 'hmph', nodding in agreement. "There was something special about her, I don't know what it was. It could have been that twinkle I saw in her eyes or that smile she gave me whenever she saw me. Or it was probably the thumbtacks she was pulling out of my back after my match with Foley.", I joked, Trish laughing again.

"She made me happier, made me feel loved. I never had that from a woman before, she cared. It made me realise that I cared just as much for her. But me being me not being able to tell her I thought I'd let my actions speak by kissing her after my match one Monday, but that just put her in a state of confusion to what we were."

Trish nodded, taking this all in.

"So I took her out, told her how I felt. I laid it on the line, what I felt for her was nothing but the real thing. All the time I spent with her that was all me, I wasn't faking, I wasn't lying. It was me. That was the night we also slept with each other and it hadn't dawned on me that I had completed the bet until I lay there after she had fell asleep. I panicked, called Maven and he congratulated me, I felt sick."

"Do you regret it?", Trish asked.

"The bet? Of course I do, I wish I just had met Melody on my own terms, not the terms I had agreed to.", I replied. "Time went by, I felt paranoid at the fact that Mel could find out about the bet if anyone told her, that's when Christian started hanging around Mel."


I nodded in reply. "He knew about the bet as he was in the locker room when it was made. I didn't want him telling her, but I didn't want to tell her and ruin what we had."

Trish stared blankly at me, before she stood up and started pacing back and forth. It was making me anxious that she kept walking back and forth, not saying anything for awhile. "Randy, I think Christian told Melody about the bet.", she finally spoke.

"What?", I frowned.

"He was the one who told me. He came and fount me when I was comforting Mel and he told me about it.", she explained. "And then he went for a meeting with Bischoff, we went back to the hotel."

"Biscoff? Eric left the arena an hour earlier, there was no way he had a meeting with him.", I shook my head.

Stopping her pacing Trish looked at me. "Did he see you that night?"

"Yeah.", I nodded.

"What did he say to you?"

"He was just smart mouthing me, made a snide comment about me and Melody so I punched him. Dave pulled me off of him and Christian let out that Mel was pregnant."

"Wait, what?", Trish looked at me with wide eyes. "Christian told you that? But he came to Mel's room and told her that you attacked him for no reason."

"I wouldn't touch that asshole if I didn't have a reason Trish, trust me.", I sneered pulling a face.

Trish sat back down, running her hands through her hair. "I knew this seemed abit odd when he said that.", she mumbled.

I stood up from the bed, shaking my head. "This doesn't make any sense.", I sighed.

"I did come to tell you about Melody and that she was pregnant with your child, but it seems like you know.", Trish spoke quietly. She stood up and walked over to me. "Randy I am so sorry, all this. It's messed up I know, but.."

"I love her Trish, I really do. I fell for her and she thinks it was all fake. If I hadn't have made that stupid bet then I would still be with her.", I looked down, feeling tears threatening to build.

She gave me a sad smile, "And here I thought you was a liar and just used her.", she laughed. "Randy I know your heart was in the right place, I feel your just as much as a victim here as Mel is. I know you got caught up in the bet but you love her, I can hear it in the way you talk about her."

"I just want her back.", I said quietly, collapsing back onto the bed.

"We'll get to the bottom of this okay.", she nodded as she walked over to the door opening it.

"Trish.", I called out, stopping her.

She looked back at me.

"Thankyou, for listening.", I smiled slightly at her.

"You're welcome.", she smiled back before she walked out, the door shutting behind her.


Ah, here we go. The conversation between Trish and Randy.

So Trish has fount out that Randy already knew due to Christian telling him. Also seems she's starting to piece all this together, it seems asif she's on Randy's side.

What do you guys think about this? Votes and comments appreciated.

Thanks for reading!

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