6 . d a f f o d i l

Beginne am Anfang

Both warlocks glanced at her then looked back at each other. Magnus was the first to speak, "It's nothing, Lia."

"Right." She looked down at her feet, rocking back on her heels. "Just so you know, I'm not a child. I'm perfectly aware of what the Clave would do if they knew I was here."

They were both silent for a few moments before Catarina spoke up, "Why didn't they search for you—the Nephilim?"

"They'd most likely presumed me dead. What with him being dead, they'd probably just assumed that I was, too," she said stiffly.

"But they found his body, did they not?" Magnus asked, "They should have looked for you—and never stopped."

"It's been two years," she defended.

"What else do you expect from Shadowhunters?" Catarina mumbled under her breath.

Dahlia turned to her. "I'm a Shadowhunter."

"That's different—"

"We really have to get going," Magnus said, cutting Catarina's sentence short

"Right." She broke eye contact with Dahlia. "I'll start on the Portal."

Magnus's hand brushed through the Shadowhunter's hair and rested on her shoulder. She looked up at him, her lip caught between her teeth. "You alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine," she replied, shaking her head.

He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her in for a hug. "You'll be okay? And you'll call me if you need anything, right?"

Her arms circled around his torso, cheek resting on his chest. "Yeah, of course."

"And please don't forget your phone like you did," he said with a slight laugh.

"I won't." She grinned as she pulled away from him. "You should probably get going now."

"Probably," he agreed. He looked down and took her hands; they were shaking. "Did you have another nightmare?"

"Yeah, but it wasn't that bad," she declined.

"It must've been if the tremors are back," he inspected.

"Okay." She sighed. "Fine, you got me, it was bad but I'm okay, I promise."

"And I trust you," he said, smiling, "But—"

"There's always a 'but'," she grumbled.

"But you've got to let me know if it gets too bad again." His hands glowed blue and her hands stopped shaking. "Okay?"

She smiled. "Yeah, thank you."

"You don't have to thank me."

Magnus left with Catarina and Dahlia stepped outside. Jace looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"You can come inside," said Dahlia, "Magnus and Catarina have left already."

When Jace stepped inside, Dahlia closed the door behind her and sighed. She turned the music back up and smiled as the familiar song played through the apartment. Dahlia looked at Jace who looked slightly uncomfortable.

"Don't tell me you've never listened to Mundane music before," she said, raising her eyebrows in his direction.

He shook his head. "As a matter of fact, I haven't."

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