Chapter 4

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"Cas!" I called from the door, looking upon the beautiful liquid in the vile. "I got it!" I said running to the bed room. Cas was laying on the floor, blood pooling around him. He was bleeding from his eyes, mouth and nose. "CAS!" I screamed, kneeling by his side, was I too late? I picked him up, and placed him on the bed, tapping his face, "Cas."

He awoke and I breathed a sigh of relife, "I got the cure." I said, pulling the bottle out of my pocket. He was so out of it that his eyes meerly flickerd. I opened the vile near his lips and it sucked itself inside of him, lighting up his chest as it went down. I tapped him on the knee, "you're goung to be fine." I said, but after ten minutes of nothing more then more blood, I doubted it workd.

"I'm dying." Cas said weakily.

I grabbed his face in my hands, "no, you're not dying!" I screamed, "you're going to be fine." But not even I belived it.

"No, Dean, I read about this sickness in that book." he said pointing at it, "there is no cure."

"No!" I screamed, more tears spilling over my eyes, "Cas, you can't die. If you die, I will too." I said, pulling his face close to mine.

"Dean, live your life. Do it for me." He said, his eyes flikering open.

"I wont live without you, I love you." I said. It was the first time I had ever let the words pass my lips, I did love Cas, and it was more then family or friend love, I loved him.

Cas's eyes opend fully, "I love you too, Dean, you showed me how to be free and that fate didn't have to occur." He said.

"Every moring I wake up and get dressed and I see the scar you gave me when you saved me from hell, and I think of you, Cas, I wish you were here with me every single day of my life." I pulled him in closer to me, his beautiful blue eyes meeing mine, I pulled him in until our lips touched. He didn't pull away.

"You are the best thing that ever happened to me, Dean." Cas said, his eyes closing, and I knew that they would never open again.

"Cas! Cas, please!" I said, shaking him, but he wasn't beathing. I stood up and sat at the end of his bed, "Cas, i'm so sorry. I should have told you how I feeled about you before today, I should have told you how much you meant to me, but I just couldn't. I pushed you away because I was afraid, afraid of loosing you. But, it happened anways. Everyone I loved dies or worse, so I tried my darndest not to get close to you, although my every instinct advised aganst it."

"I knew that, Dean, I can read people well," An all too farmillar voice said from beside him.

"Cas!" I cried, pulling him into a hug. His face once again had color and his eyes were once again full of life. "How are you..?" I asked, but inreality I didn't care, all I cared about was that he was here, alive and well.

"I guess....the cure worked?" Cas seemed confused, "I saw a bright light, and then I heard your voice, and all of a sudden I was back." He said "Thank you...Dean."Pulling me into a kiss that lasted a good three minutes.

"Well....maybe I shoudn't have come back?" Sam laughed, standing outside the door to the bedroom.

Me and Cas both smiled at him, kicking the door shut in his face. This was going to be a fun night.

The Sickness Of The Fallen (Destiel Romace)Where stories live. Discover now