Chapter 7: The Killer Queen

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Welcome back The Puppet Monsters everyone I hope that you enjoy the chapter. Please remember to VOTE and COMMENT it means a lot to, plus I like chatting with you guys. Also please watch the video it goes with the chapter. ~XOXO BUTTERBALL~

The Song is Killer Queen by Queen.



"I still can't believe that you would want to do this. I don't even know why I allowed this," Matthew muttered under his breath as one of his claws tapped the steering wheel.

Currently, Matthew, Taiga, Opal and I were in a car heading to Matthew's warehouse on the other side of town. This warehouse is where he exported and imported the drugs he sold.

"I'm coming because I want to and you telling me no wouldn't stop me," I reminded him.

Matthew scowled at me as he lit a cigarette and rolled down the driver window. He handed me the lighter as I took out one of my own cigarettes.

"True, the word no has never really stopped you from doing whatever you wanted," Matthew sighed.

He looked at his watch before letting out a huff. "By the way Corina, I was wondering if you would help me dye my hair," he asked as a slight blush crept into his face.

From the back seat, Taiga let out a snort. "You can cook, clean and slightly sew with some of the best women but you don't know how to use hair dye. The instructions are on the box or you could just, I don't know go to a barber," Taiga chuckled.

Matthew turned his head and glared at Taiga over his shoulder. "Do I look like a fucking fairy to you?" He growled.

"Not that I'm just questioning your ability to read basic instructions is all," Taiga said as he smirked.

Matthew rolled his eyes before he turned off the highway onto a small rock paved road. "And I'm questioning your ability to act like a consistent cunt,"

I smiled as I looked out the window with Opal, at the end of the road was what appeared to be an old pesticide plant. A rusting,  barbed wire fence surrounded it and a large sign with the words foreclosed sat on it. The sign was rusted so much that it'd lost most of its original color besides the large black lettering.

"So this is where you spend time when you're not home," I said as I exited the car.

Matthew smiled. "That's right, I bought it under the pretense of changing it into a department store. At least that's what's on paper. The large windows on the roof are perfect for growing stuff like opium, coca plants. And more," he told me sounding extremely proud.

I shifted Opal in my arms as I gave Matthew a gentle smile. "As long as your happy."

The moment we went inside the building the smell of water and soil hit me, underneath it was the smell of bitter chemicals and fire.

It almost smells like a garden in here.

Multiple groups of men dressed in slacks or overalls milled around the large space that was the main room. Some worked at metal tables with clippers, shears, and baskets as they pruned and harvested the opium plants. Smudges of dirt were all over their clothes and faces. The floor was covered in dirt, mud, leaves, and sticks. Puddles of water collected underneath the work tables.

The walls were barren and the side windows boarded up, to prevent anyone from seeing what really went on in this building.

Matthew surveyed the room for a moment before grinning. "As perfect as a well-oiled machine as always."

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