Chapter 8 - Calm Before The Storm

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The beach house was an hour and a half away from Ian's house. We were only five minutes away and I couldn't contain my excitement.

I blasted the music in the car that was being driven by Annie. We were following Ian and the boys who were in the other car.

"Someone's excited." Annie screamed over the music.

I smiled and nodded. This is the first time I've been on a mini vacation away from my parents with no family.

We pulled up to the beach house and I stared at it.

This house was simple and cute . It had two stories with a balcony that wrapped around the entire house on the last floor. The house was a light blue color with white curtains covering the glass windows on all the floors.

As simple as it was, it looked better than the other houses around it.

A hand pounded on the glass of the car and made me jump. Reece's cheesy smile got in the way of my view.

I rolled my eyes and got out of the car. "Can't you let me admire the scenery?"

"Of course." He stepped back and posed with his hands on his hips. "You may admire me now."

Annie got out of the car and laughed. "You look like a cracked out version of a super hero."

Reece pouted. "Whatever."

"A hot cracked out version." she replied an started getting her bags out of the back.

I stared at her suspiciously. A hot version of a super hero? She was definitely trying to flirt with Reece.

Ian and Marc stepped out of the car and started taking out their bags.

I watched Ian as his muscles flexed. I saw them tighten as he picked up the heavy bags. My body started getting hot so I looked away, shocked.

What the hell is going on with me? I got back with Daniel last night and I'm getting turned on by Ian picking up suitcases? I'm a mess.

"Race all of you to the shore." Ian said.

"You're on." I said to all of them.

"Should I be scared, Sam?" Marc laughed.

I glared at him. "Ready..set.... GO!"

We all darted forward. Once we got around the house, I saw what I had been waiting for. The sun reflecting off of the golden sand and the blue water shining right next to it. There were some children in the water boogie boarding. An old couple shared their lunch under an umbrella. A group of guys our age were in the neighboring house drinking.

They were all humans. Not a werewolf in sight besides us.

Ian was in first and I was right behind him. I couldn't look back at the others.

Once we got to the shore I stared at the beautiful water.

The others were bickering in the back.

"The only reason you guys won was 'cause you both are Alphas." Marc complained.

"Who cares who won?" Annie said.

"You're just saying that 'cause you were in last place." Reece commented and laughed.

I shut them out and kept looking at the water. I could stay here forever. It was peaceful and the only noise going on was the waves crashing onto the shore. Sometimes I wish I could live by the beach but I know my wolf prefers the woods.

My wolf wouldn't mind laying in the warm sand once in a while, though.

My wolf. I can't believe that's happening soon. My entire life I've been wondering what it's going to feel like when it's happening and when it's over. When I found out what a mate was, I was overjoyed.

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