Start from the beginning

After the school bell rang, Mark and Jeno headed out to the basketball court for the practice.

As usual, Donghyuck, Chenle, Jaemin, Seonho and Daehwi – The Diva Squad. Jisung and Renle probably like the normal ones. All of them waiting at the classroom chatting and laughing the whole session. Jihoon and Jinyoung went to the dance class so they couldn't join them.

Meanwhile at the basketball court ...

'Alright you guys, today's practice will be extended until 6 in the evening.' Mr. Min said, making all of them dumbfounded.

'W-What?' Mark mumbled softly. Then Jeno mentally facepalmed himself.

'You guys heard me. Until 6.'

'Yes Mr. Min.' All of them said in unison.

'Good. Do some warm up first. I'll be watching you guys.'

Then all of them started to do some stretching.

'Dang it. This is gonna be tired as hell.' Samuel muttered while stretching his biceps.

'I'm gonna die.' Sanha whined.

'Yeah, my byeongari will be so upset about this.' Guanlin said.

'Me too. Hyuckie will slaughter me.' Mark said.

'Well, my babe will be nagging at me without telling him about this.' Jeno muttered.

'It happened so suddenly tho.' Samuel whispered.

'Yah, stop talking and concentrate.' Mr. Min suddenly shouted, making them shut their mouths immediately.

After they done warming themselves up for half an hour, they started to practice non-stop until 6 in the evening.

Meanwhile at the classroom ...

'Oh my god, it's getting late right now and it almost 6 in the evening right now.' Daehwi whined as he looking at his watch.

'I bet Mr. Min extended their practice time again.' Renjun said while writing something on his notebook.

'My baby will be so tired, poor thing.' Jaemin pouted.

Jisung and Chenle were fell asleep, Senho just sat there playing some games on his phone, while Donghyuck was fiddling his fingers, feeling bored.

After that, the basketball squad suddenly barged in the classroom, making Jisung and Chenle lifted up their heads immediately.

'WHAT THE - Oh my god, you guys scared me.' Chenle said as he holding his chest.

'BABY!!!' Jaemin exclaimed in joy as he spreading his arms wide, wanting to hug sweaty Jeno.

'Sammy, you know that I'm worried about you. I thought you were dead by practicing too much.' Daehwi sassed, making Samuel raised his eyebrow at him.

'BYEONGARI!!!' Guanlin shouted happily, making Seonho looked away from his phone and smiled widely.

'Hey Markie, you came back.' Donghyuck smiled gleefully as Mark taking a seat beside him.

'Yeah I am and it's so tiring.' Mark huffed as he wiping his sweats with a towel.

Donghyuck noticed a bruise on Mark's knee and looking at him worriedly.

'What's wrong babe?' Mark asked.

'Are you hurting yourself?'

'No I'm not.'

'Then what is this?' Donghyuck said as he pointing a bruise on Mark's knee.

'Oh that. I just fell.'

'Aish, you're so clumsy.' Donghyuck pouted, making Mark chuckled and kissed his pouty lips, making him smile.

'Okay guys, let's go home.' Jisung said. Then all of them take their belongings and went out for home.


Finally, Mark laid on the bed comfortably while Donghyuck just sat on the bed, staring at him.

'What?' Mark said.

'What do you mean what? Aren't you bored?' Donghyuck said while bouncing on the bed.

'I'm tired Hyuckie.'

'Play with me.' Donghyuck whined as he shaking Mark's body vigorously.

'Ah okay okay. What do you want to play?' Mark said as he sat up.

'Rock, paper and scissors.' Donghyuck said cheerfully.

'Alright then. That's it?'

'When I win, I slap your face. When you win, kiss me.'

'Ayeee, what kind of the game is that?'

'You want to play with me or not?' Donghyuck said sternly.

'Okay okay fine, I'll play.'

'Let's start.' Donghyuck cheered.

'Rock, paper, scissors!' Both of them said. Mark took out paper and Donghyuck took out scissors.

'Yey! I win.' Then Donghyuck slapped Mark's face playfully.

'Ow.' Mark yelped as he rubbing his face, making Donghyuck giggled.

'This is gonna be fun.' Donghyuck said and Mark would be like doom.

After few rounds of the game, Mark kept losing and Donghyuck keep slapping his face.

'Oh my god, you suck at this.' Donghyuck laughed, making Mark huffed.

'Oh I will win this time.' Mark said determinedly.

'Bring it on Mark.'

'Rock, paper, scissor!' Mark took out rock and Donghyuck took out scissor, making him gasp.

'I win.' Mark said slyly.

'Fine, kiss me then.'

Then Mark grabbed Donghyuck's face and gave him a peck kiss on his lips, making him giggled.

After few rounds of slapping and kissing, finally both of them laid down on the bed.

'That was fun.' Donghyuck said.

'For you it's fun.'

'Aww, are you mad at me?' Donghyuck pouted as he hugged Mark tightly.

'No I'm not.' Mark said as he ruffled the younger's hair playfully.

'Aish. I love you.'

'I love you more babe.'

'I love you even more!'

'I love you to the moon and back.'

'Aish.' Donghyuck pouted, making Mark chuckled.

'You're so cute.' Mark said as he pinching Donghyuck's cheek softly.

'I'm always cute.'

'That's why I adore you.'

'Aish, and you're handsome as hell.'

'I'm always handsome.'

'That's why I want you so much.' Both of them laughed.

After that, both of them cuddled each other and drifted off to sleep.

To be continued ...

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