chapter 1

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"Samantha it's time to wake up!" My mother bursts through the door. I sit up in the black queen sized bed. "Y-yeah I suppose it is..." I had been up for at least an hour before she came in, reading articles on my phone. When she finally left I grabbed my ripped black skinny jeans and pulled them up my long, thick, pale, and freckled legs next grabbing my black tank top throwing the sewed fabric over my head and onto my torso letting it cling to the skin that is no different from my chubby freckled legs, I finally grabbed the black and white plaid shirt from the floor covering my upper arms and black tank top after that i tied on my worn down off brand converse. "Now this hair!" I groaned at the thought of my long gold and brown hair being pulled from my head. I grabbed the black brush with white polka dots on it and pulled it through my thick dyed locks. When I finished my hair I grabbed my large black nerd glasses and covered my blue and green eyes, my eyes are separately colored but it's only visible to the tame eye.

I stayed in my room for the rest of the morning because I didn't want to bother my already angered mother. She's always mad at me for some reason I never knew why and every time I tried to ask she would only raise her voice at me. I snatch my blue galaxy backpack on my way out the door and walked through streets of the small Iowa town I live in to the high school. I walk through the front doors of the small school and into the commons where it's bursting with life that is until they see me. That's when they quiet down and i hear the whispers. "Jackson told me she'll have sex with anyone for $10 bucks." i hear a blonde in the front of the room whisper to her brunette friend. They snicker and i brush it off but i can't help to think why would my best friend start a rumor about me? Would he start a rumor about me?

I walk over to Jackson and sit at the table with the tall tan and slim male. He scoffs and stands up. "What do you want you little slut?" My eyes widen and a slight gasp escapes my soft pale lips. "E-excuse me!?" I look next to him to see a petite little blonde named Meghan snickering while holding Jackson's hand. I felt my heart snap like a toothpick. Jackson had never acted like this before and it honestly broke my heart like a fragile glass ornament colliding with the ice cold floor. It hurt more than I could've ever imagined. I walked away and into the ladies room. Tears clouded my vision. I locked the door and leaned against it sliding to the floor blinded by the liquid flooding from my now dull eyes. "It's funny how just a few words can hurt someone so easily." a smooth male voice coos into my head. "No it isn't" I whisper to the voice.

I unlock the door and walk out of the school no one seeming to notice my absence. I walk home and hide in the comfort of my blankets. The next morning someone threw a rock through my window waking me with the sound of shattering glass. The rock landed on the foot of my bed. I screamed my already tear stained cheeks were then flooded with more of the salty substance. I heard my mothers scream, I shot up and ran out of my room, down the hall, and into my mothers room. I saw her lying on her bed 3 rocks had flown threw her now shattered window. Two had hit he and the head and one had a direct spot buried in her now bloody stomach."m-mommy?" I screamed at the top of my lounges and ran to the phone and called 911.

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