Start from the beginning

"YOU ARE THE DOCTOR. YOU WILL BE EXTERMINATED!" It droned almost shakily then as it fired off several laser blasts which Farren skilfully dodged. She went on that way, running and dodging before the strange man so helpfully- sarcasm heavy on the word –quipped jestingly.

"I'm The Doctor."

As any other, he had a furious set of questions ready to roll off his tongue, all of which would've been the directed at the teenager- who by now, he guessed, wasn't human. Not completely anyway. And though, he was somewhat infamous for his bad timing, he knew conducting an interrogation whilst a Dalek looked to exterminate wasn't smart- and he wasn't completely stupid.

Farren, if not pulsating with surging fear and adrenaline—could have growled with edging frustration. It was as though the man had a death wish as he pranced around with his comfortable smile, urging the Dalek to chase him.

"No, I'm the Doctor." She retorted- really to anyone of the two as she was focused more on containing her panic. Her plan was spur of the moment, it wasn't pre-meditated in anyway shape or form, it was just reflex and with that—a lot could go wrong.

To make her nerve-fuelled fear worst, the machine resorted to spinning around aimlessly and firing with little care of who or what it harmed. That lack of care was built deep within their biology; it really didn't give a shit about any sentient being within its vicinity. A good plan for itself, not so good for the Doctor or Farren.

Glass shattered from practically every corner—loudly too. Farren held a foreign arm over her face, trying her best to prevent blindness. Her optic nerves were extremely sensitive and she had yet to evolve and become strong enough- both in mind and body –to manipulate her biology, she could only just morph her exterior. She did it well, but out of a human, rushed or less-than-clever scenario, it was pretty much just a party trick—albeit a very alien one. But her 'silly party trick' was keeping her alive at that very second, so it wasn't the time to be complaining.

She and the man rushed around in disorientated paths, spewing ragged breaths as they dodged shots and argued in one go.

He couldn't quite catch on to the tone of her voice, it seemed, as she insistently willed him to play along. In the bigger picture, she was the one with the plan, no matter how unorganised and he didn't seem to be on any similar level so that gave her the higher authority. Of course, he couldn't understand that.

"No, I am," He insisted and she could have screamed.

"I'm The Doctor."

"You don't even know who I am."

"No, you don't know who I am."

Their stubborn battle was cut short as he responded with a yelp instead of a retort, almost tripping over a decoration plant.

Farren took his faltering step as a golden opportunity to start at the ground. She dived wildly towards the cold surface and hit her chin against it, pain surged through the lower half of her face- but it was the least of her worries.

The façade she held faded away and she morphed back to her original form, her body could only hold the exterior image for as long as she held the image at the front of her mind, otherwise she would begin to weaken. As she weakened, her body- mind too –would begin to search for another source of energy to absorb to help her hold her form for as long as she could, it'd drain her conscious soul for fuel- which was stupid on its own, but it'd bring on her death and she would die in a foreign form because her body favoured the consistency of hiding than living.

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