It wasn't until he felt himself bump into somebody tall and rigid. Michael dragged his green eyes away from his pastel pink converse to meet cerulean blue eyes. His eyes then traced down to the smirk that graced the man's face, a one or two day old stubble on his jaw. Michael's cheeks flushed red in embarrassment as he muttered out a soft sorry, getting a glimpse of his friend Calum out of the corner of his eye.

The small boy started to make his way around the tall and broad shouldered man but an arm came out to stop Michael from walking. The hand attached to the arm rested on Michael's shoulder and pushed him back to the area in front of him.

Michael shifted and noticed how the blond boy played with a black ring inserted under his bottom, slightly pink, lip. A lip ring. Michael blushed softly, not out of embarrassment this time however while the bell rang. This signalled first period was about to start but Michael wasn't paying attention until he felt his schedule on paper was taken out of his hands.

The blond stranger muttered some words in a raspy voice with an australian accent that Michael barely caught, "Take a left up here and it's the last door in the center at the end of the hell." then he was gone and Michael was on his way to first period. He didn't feel the piercing stare of those blue eyes leave his body anytime soon.

"Hey Michael." he jumped as he heard the familiar voice of his best friend come up behind him. Michael paused and smiled widely, his nerves easing away. The pair made their way to their first period class - conveniently the same class. Again, the stare hadn't left his body just yet and something about it made him self conscious, not confident.

Maybe it was because he had no idea what blondie had thought of him - just a dumb junior lost in the hallways? But that god forsaken smirk accessorized with a black lip ring made him feel something else. Michael never thought this way about strangers whom he didn't even know so he disregarded it and pushed it aside.

With that, the eyes eventually left his body once he had slipped into the math classroom. That didn't stop any thoughts from going on up in Michael's head.

; ; ;

It seemed that just one appearance hadn't been enough for the unknown blonde boy. In fact, now Michael saw the boy everywhere. Leaning up against a locker talking to someone - whether it was a flirting session with a girl or a 'bro talk' with one of what seemed to be his best buds. Passing by each other in the halls but not fully turning their heads, catching each other with their peripheral vision.

And so forth; everywhere Michael seemed to be, he couldn't help but notice the blonde haired blue eyed boy lingering just a little longer [whether he was walking slower than normal to catch a small glance or just leaning against a wall and staring without any shame].

And Michael? Well he was drinking the attention up like a thirsty dog left out in the boiling Australia heat - though he was in America and it was winter. Blondie seemed to notice this and continued on with that smirk of his resting on his face, the side with his lip ring more upwards than the other side as he noticed Michael liked to stare at it.

It was now lunch time and so far, no sight of the blonde boy who had seemed to catch Michael's attention and deliver the attention so well but not enough for Michael to really be sated. After all, mystery man had been everywhere else so far. He bit at his lip, sitting with some of his new friends while his teeth played with his pink lips.

"What's going on in that pretty little mind of yours?" Calum asked thoughtfully, swallowing the food in his mouth before speaking. Michael snapped out of the daze and simply shrugged, putting a forkful of the cafeteria's spaghetti and meatballs in his mouth so he wouldn't give in to Calum's, what he's learned to be, cunning ways of getting words to just tumble uncontrollably past his lips.

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