Despite the fact that he was now dressed as a normal boy, if it weren't for the fact that he was standing behind the cash register, one would think he was just another customer. The boy's eyes held that same charm to them as when he first met him dressed as a woman. One could even say—not admit it out loud, of course—that he looked more attractive with his natural face and stylish clothing.

What the hell was he thinking? Menma frowned uncomfortably and made way to get to him. The aroma that that boy emitted... it was as pleasant as it was in his memory and it engulfed him immediately.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He could've complained or thrown a punch at him for leaving him alone that time, but from his lips came that angry question that seemed to entertain the other as he only let out a carefree laugh.

"I work here," He responded. "Do you want anything? Before my shift ends..." He discreetly gestured towards the clock on the wall with a movement of his head.

Menma heard the female crowd complain, but even so, he took advantage of the situation. He couldn't let this bastard leave once again.

"A coffee," He then ordered, his cold blue eyes fixated on the other's black ones before adding: "And your unbearable company."

"Oh!" Surprised, the boy looked at him for a few seconds before winking a flirty eye. "I don't think there's a problem in that, but my company is included for free in your purchase when you add an extra coffee to your order."

Tsk. This guy was seriously too much for him. "Sure, whatever."

Without anything else, Menma went to sit at the tables near the back after paying, leaving the other alone with the crowd of angry girls as they would no longer be attended by him. Why did he feel like that boy had done it on purpose? It was only a matter of minutes before the other could appear with both coffees and sit in front of him, smiling without any worry.

"It's been some time, no? You looked better as a blond. Why'd you dye it black?" The boy asked, not worried about the fixated look that he was giving Menma, as if he were trying to look inside him or something like that.

Menma didn't respond to his question as in reality, he had no answer as to why he had decided to dye his hair black.

"I haven't seen you at the club since then," The boy continued talking as he didn't seem to like the lack of communication.

Menma took a sip of his coffee, returning the gaze towards the boy who seemed to not get bored staring at him. "I found a better place than that crap."

"Oh? Can you take me?"

He hadn't expected that petition in the least, but even so, he couldn't help to respond it with malice.

"Will you go dressed as a girl?" To Menma, the boy's 'infatuation' was still an odd mystery.


His blue eyes opened wider, more than normal, upon the response. The memory of the boy with purple lipstick and the dress that brought out his stylized figure came to mind immediately. He looked at him without trying to hide it as took a long sip of his coffee. In some way, having him sitting across from him after that was strange. Even more strange, however, was the fact that the fucker was so attractive like that without anything on his face.

Before he could even say anything, the boy laughed.

"It's a joke. I only do that when I'm bored." He assured.

"Tsk. Do you seduce men when you're bored as well?" Now that definitely seemed to escape him entirely. Menma didn't realize it until he finished saying it, but since he had already done it, he wasn't going to go back. "Because I still can't forget what you were trying with me that time."

Anhedonia || Ckonny_Nickole » vonlaneOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora