Hospital Visit

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There was a bright flash of pain before everything went dark. You couldn't comprehend what was happening as you fell, you just knew that it hurt.
The next thing you remember is waking up to the blue and white sterility of the hospital. In your half asleep state, you began to panic, your fears spiralling.
You saw a flash of blue out of the corner of your eyes.
'Hey, hey it's OK' the nurse said, attempting to calm you down, 'you're in Western General Hospital after getting hit with a falling shelf'.
You sat, processing what the nurse was saying while also thinking about how soon you can get back to work to pay for the hospital visit....wait why is that the first thing you're thinking about?  'Do my parents know?' 'Your next of kin have been notified and have said that they will be here as soon as possible' the nurse replied warmly. Shit shit SHIT. You didn't want to see your parents yet, things had been a little awkward ever since you came out and the last thing you said to them was that they needed stay out of your life until they could accept you for who you are. 'You have had a visitor though, she said she would return  later today and she left you those daffodils', you turned your head to look at the ledge behind you and saw a collection of bright yellow flowers, your favourites. 'Eliza must have left them for me', you thought to yourself, 'my parents must have let her know, after all she had been your best friend for five years'. The nurse then explained what happened then stated politely, 'I'll leave you to yourself now, just call if you need anything okay?'. Your thoughts drifted back to Lisa again once the nurse left, gosh how did you have such a big crush on someone you'd met once? 

Your train of though was interrupted by a figure bursting into the room. After the initial surprise, your eyes registered Eliza standing in the doorway, slightly out of breath holding daffodils. 'Oh my gosh! Are you okay? I heard what happened and I got here as soon as I couldohmygoshIwassoworriedohmygoshohmylordy-', Eliza stopped speaking abruptly as she saw the daffodils behind your bed, 'I guess someone had the same idea as me, who brought you those?' 'I have no fucking idea honestly' you mumbled in surprise, you weren't really close with anyone else locally, you had your fair share of friends, but none that would bring you flowers, much less daffodils. 'Oh well' Eliza said, taking a seat 'what's wrong with ya'. Well apparently I had a minor concussion and somehow my leg got broken, I don't really know how that happened from a shelf falling on me but the nurse said something about it twisting'. 'That's rough, but I brought you your drawing stuff so you can entertain yourself' as Eliza said this a shock went through you as you remembered the drawings of Lisa littered around your studio, reading your pained expression Eliza said 'I also cleaned up the pictures littered around everywhere' then began to laugh 'dude you're obsessed'. 'I am not' you replied indignantly. 'Well whatever you say cripple' Eliza replied with a smirk, 'anyway I got to get to work, don't get too lonely without me' she said with a wink. She then placed the daffodils next to the ones already there, leaned down to hug you and left you with her coconut scent lingering in the air. Even though Eliza was your best friend and nothing more, you had to admit she was pretty beautiful.

The hours pass by quickly as you entertained yourself with drawing and listening to music, the sunlight cascading onto your page like a waterfall until there was no sunlight left. Just as the sun dove behind the horizon there was a knock on the door. 'Come in' you said timidly, your first thought was that it would be the nurse again, but then you remembered the mysterious visitor's promise to return later and your hopes flew high. You froze as Lisa walked into the room. What the actual fuck in Gordon Ramsay heaven was happening. 'Hi! Are you feeling any better?' Lisa enquired from the other side of the room, this question paired with her beautiful made your insides melt. 'Hey... are you ok?' Lisa enquired with a worried look, making you realise you were just staring at her slack-jawed. 'Uhm yeah I'm um feeling g-great how are you feeling?' 'I'm feeling relieved that you're fine' Lisa replied with another bright smile, 'do you mind if I sit?' she asked. 'Of course go ahead!' you replied hurriedly, 'if you don't mind me asking, why exactly are you here?' you said bashfully, 'I was worried because I was next to you when the shelf fell and I remembered seeing you the other day at the store too'. Lisa said blushing, 'wait you remembered me?' you said in shock, 'well someone as beautiful as you would be hard to forget' Lisa replied, turning her head away slightly. Dude, what the actual flying fuck. Lisa thinks I'm beautiful? I must be in a coma or something. 'Sorry did I overstep by saying that I'm so sorry' Lisa rished when you didn't reply, 'no, no I was just shocked that someone like you would find me beautiful'. Lisa then did the most amazing thing, she laughed. You usually love it when people laugh, but this is even more extraordinary. After she finished laughing Lisa continued 'I see someone else got you daffodils!' 'Yeah, my best friend Eliza got them for me, they're my favourite flower' you replied, 'well I'm glad I got them for you then, I thought of daffodils the first time I saw-'. Lisa was cut off by the sound of the door opening, a woman poked her head through and said 'Lisa we have to go'. Lisa turned to you and smiled sombrely, 'Well I guess I'll see you around...actually can I get your phone number, I'd really like to be friends with you', damn this girl never let the shocks going through your body and mind stop, Lisa wanted your number? What the actual fish sticks. 'Of course you can have my number!' You replied as she opened her contacts and handed her phone to you. After you entered your number, she took the phone back and left the room with a smile and a wave, leaving the scent of vanilla behind.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Nov 07, 2017 ⏰

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