The Meeting

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It had been a breezy day, in both senses of the term. The weather had been blissful, albeit a bit windy and all you had done was change into a different pair of pyjamas.
You were laying down, staring at last slants of daylight shining on to your white roof when you were hit with the blunt force of a silent blast of productivity. Your mind was suddenly racing with thoughts of what you could do to get yourself up without having to actually doing anything that required real effort.
After asserting that although going to the shops required more work than you were originally willing to put in, the reward of chocolate was too good to resist.
You rose out of the comfort of your blankets, threw on some jeans that were ripped at the knee and a millennial pink hoodie, grabbed your wallet and you were out the door of your apartment. You locked the dark door behind you, traipsed down the stairs and walked out the grand building into the crisp evening air.
The weak rays of light reflected off the few cars as you made your way around the corner.
As you approached the corner store, your eyes caught the movement of someone other than the cashier in the store, but thinking nothing of it you continued your lazy stroll towards the door. When you saw the blonde hair underneath the dark hoodie and the flawless face free of makeup your realised that you were in the presence of Lisa from Blackpink. A thrill coursed through your body and your heart seemed to stop beating. All you could focus on now was her. You never thought you'd see her in person, much less like this and you couldn't stop shaking.
After your momentary pause, you scanned the aisle, attempting to remember what you came here to buy in the first place. 'Chocolate! Chocolate' you recalled. You looked around for the chocolate in an attempt to call yourself. 'This is crazy', you thought to yourself 'you come here all the time how can you not know where the chocolate is?'. With a jolt you realised that Lisa was standing directly in front of where you had to be, freaking out you actually contemplated leaving the store but you came back to your senses and began moving towards the chocolate. It was only about 10 steps away,  but every step felt like a lifetime as you came closer and closer to Lisa.
Finally, the chocolates were within reach, but Lisa was still viewing the chocolates. You decided that you had to quickly make up your mind so she wouldn't think you were loitering around her on purpose. With a frantically beating heart, you reached and grabbed a block of milk chocolate.
She smelled of vanilla, but not too heavily, she smelled of it in the best way possible.
While you were about to faint she turned her head slightly looked at you and smiled, you tried to smile back normally, you really tried but you got the feeling you just looked ridiculous as your face wasn't cooperating. Lisa barely stifled a smile as your entire face went bright red.
'Hi' She said while smiling.
'H-hi' you replied shakily, clutching your chocolate to your chest.
'Are you okay?' She queried, it was then you realised how much of a mess you must look, and how much your face was spasming.
'I'm alright' You said with a smile, 'I'm just a bit of a fan of yours'. At this point you were surprised that your body was still holding herself together as you felt like you would explode at any time.
Her eyes filled with understanding as she smiled her biggest smile yet, almost blinding you with its beauty. 
'Aaah' She said with a slightly more worried expression 'I'm so sorry if I offended you, you just looked a bit flustered'.
'It's completely fi-' you were cut off mid sentence as her phone started ringing.
She took it out of her pocket glanced at it, and her face filled with worry.
'I'm really sorry I have to take this'  she gushed as she put her items back and rushed outside.
You felt your heart ringing in your ears and you were so shaky you didn't know if you could take the steps required to take you from your current location to the front counter. One, two, three, four, five, six. Six steps was all it took. The cashier quickly scanned your item, seemingly oblivious to what had just happened.
You felt more calm as you paid for the chocolate and made the journey back to your apartment. Once you were on your floor, you seemed unnafected on the surface but on the inside you were still reeling. She was so beautiful, especially in person and you had been so close to her.
You entered your apartment, put the chocolate on your wooden kitchen table, made your way to your room and collapsed on your bed. You didn't know how you were going to sleep tonight.

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