Next Door

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Since we are neighbors we decided to walk home together. It seemed like we have been friends for ages but we only really talked today.
"So, Micheal, how do you like Wilson High? "
"Well its like any other school I've been to."
"How many schools have you been to?"
"I've been to four in the last eight years."
I never knew the kind of life. I wonderd if it hurt him, moving from place to place never settled in one spot for long. As we walked he got further and further away from me only close enough to hear my voice.
By the time we got home I was starving. There was cold pizza in the fridge, parents at work, and a stack of homework. I went up to my room lazily doing homework~ english and german.
   I thought it was so weirdly insane that I felt something for him. I barely new him. Yet I fell like there's something in him and in me that's attracted to eachother.
   My parents got home early so they wanted to take me out for supper. As we were getting outside to the car he was waiting like he wanted to speak to me but couldn't.
"What's wrong?"
"Oh, I think my friend wants to talk to me."
"Well maybe you should invite him."
"Okay, thanks mom." She smiles and walks away.
I walked over to him. His face in pain.
"Hey, would you like to go out for food with us?" I said nervously.
"Why not."
We got in the backseat of my mom's Buick and drove to KFC. Sitting at a different table from my parents we started talking.
"Enjoying?." He said while I had food on my face.
I smiled."Yes. Do you like it."
"It's good but not my thing."
"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't ask what you liked," stuttering.
"Rose. Stop. It's great really."
   He rally new how to comfort me in a very sincere way. After spending two hours talking at KFC, we decided it was time to go home.
"Hey, Rose..." He paused.
" Ya."
"Nevermind. You look deathly tired. I'll tell you a different time when your eyes don't have dark circles under them." Micheal said with a cute smirk.
"My eyes are dark all the time and, hey so are yours." I said trying to get a rise out of him. We both giggled, and said good night.

More will be coming soon!!!

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