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    Sans walked slowly through the Core, his footsteps echoing along the corridors,  which seemed to go on for miles. He stared down at the lava bubbling up from the earth.

  Then there was a flash of light. Then another. The usually silent runes enscribed along the core began to glow a purple color, a beeping alarm making it's way to the second corridor.


Sans worked quickly and created a fold in space-time.

Sans ran through the front door of his house in Snowdin, grabbing Papyrus and pushing him to the ground,  Shielding Papyrus with a Gaster blaster as the magic density in the air grew.

Then it all went black.


The air was fuzzy and hot.

It was loud.

Sans sat up and stretched, letting out a scream and falling back to the ground next to his brother as he became aware of the growing pain in his left leg.

He stood up and, after trial and error,  walked a few steps and plopped down next to his brother. He listened to the beat of his soul and decided to let him sleep.

Sans rose again and walked to the door,  stumbling out into the town.

* Smells like burnt latex.

Barely aware of his surroundings,  Sans limped aimlessly through Snowdin.

Dead bodies littered the ground,  yet to turn to dust. 

Dead bodies litter the ground.

He sees his old friend, lying unconcious in the hands of someone he once considered a brother.

You can see they are dust on the hands of a traitor.

"All is fair in love and war, squirt."

That traitor is dust on the hands of a backstabber.

Sans walked through the forest. Deeper. And deeper. And deeper.

Your life gets Dark. Darker. Yet Darker. The shadows cutting deeper. 

Until he reaches a door. He falls against it and into the welcoming stillness. All is quiet.

* Sounds like death.

   Sans falls asleep to the steady breathing of a monster behind the door.

Her nails caked with blood and magic.

Her white fur matted and dull.

So peaceful.

So beautiful.

So deathly still.



Welcome to the trashcan among trashcans.

Stay a while.

(@TheTimeBefore is responsible for the runes and time folding crap which I love so dearly)


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