The Competitor

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A/N I don't own Oliver and Company.

Just as promised the next day Dodger took Diamonds to meet his friend cat name Oliver. Diamonds was surprise because she didn't expect for the cat to live in a rich house.

As they went inside they were greeted by Mr. Winston the butler. He called up from upstairs

"Jennifer, you have guests"

A sound of foot steps came rushing down the stairs. It was a little girl with a red hair. She had a baby kitten in her hands but the butler scowl at her.

"Now Jennifer, you should know better than running down the stairs"

"Oops sorry Mr. you go Oliver, I'm going to let you play with your friends"

She put down a red baby kitten in between Oliver and Diamond and ran off. Oliver rubbed himself against Dodger.

"Hey Dodger"

"Hiya kid, how you been?"

"Fine, who's your friend?"

"Diamonds, this is Oliver the cat friend I told you about."

The small cat walked up to Diamonds with a smile.


"Hello, please to meet you. Dodger told me about one heck of an adventure you went one and all i got to say is that you are one brave kitty."

Oliver laughs


The conversation was cut short when a scream came from up stairs and it sounded like it was coming down.

"Is Tito here?!?!"

Oliver shook his head and said.

"No Georgette its only Dodger and a friend of his"

Georgette came down and took notice of the female dog and narrowed her eyes going straight to her.

"You look familiar?"

Diamonds raised one eye brow.

"Really? Because this is my first time meeting you"

Dodger got in between the two female dogs and smirk

"Ms. 10 times national champion meet Ms. 30 times national champion"

Georgette gasp in shock and Diamond glared at Dodger for boasting about her fame but he simply smirks at her.

"No, its can't be you. What are you doing with a mutt like him?!"

Dodger glared at Georgette

"Hello, i am right here"

Diamonds got in between

"First of all, he rescued me and plus he's cute so why not. Besides, he's taking me home"

"Are you lost?"

"Yeah I am. We been walking for two days trying to find my home."

"Here let me see your collar maybe I can help you find it faster"

But Dodger eyes opened wide and pushed Diamonds out of the way before Georgette had a glance. Diamonds was confused at his reaction.

"I'm her boyfriend so i will be helping her get home."

As they were talking Oliver took a glance at the collar and his eyes open wide. He knew that house very well because the owner is stopping at every house asking if we seen her dog.

"Whatever....... So diamonds will you be competing in this year Dog Show?"

"Of course, my human is always signing me up but the problem is that I'm running out of space to put my trophies"

Jealousy was shown in Georgette's eyes and glared at her.

"Well you sound so confident"

"Its all about good attitude, its not that hard to learn. I mean you can sure use it"

"You sound like a poster in the street"

"Well at least my face will be plastered on the poster"

Diamonds and Georgette were looking at each other eye to eye.

"You spoiled brat!"

"You know something nevermind. I am not going to drop myself to your level in name calling because your afraid of a little competition. See you around the winning section"

Georgette growled and walked away angrily. Dodger and Oliver looked to Diamond surprised and she turn and saw their face expression.


"We are just surprise how you easily handled that argument"

"Yeah well dogs like her is what gets me mad. They want attention and boast about themselves, that's not me and I hope i never become like that"

Dodger smiled and walked up to Diamond nuzzling her and she returned the nuzzle. Oliver smiled at the couple's precious moment. After a couple of minutes of talking, they decided to depart. Diamond was down the stairs and waited at the sidewalk.

Oliver pulled Dodger aside.

"Dodger what are you doing?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You and I both know exactly where the house is, its just across the street why don't you take her now?"

Dodger panicked and whispered lowly hoping that Diamond didn't get to hear.

"I am taking her home but later. I love her and I'm not ready to let her go, we just got together. So im just trying to distract her for a couple of weeks. So please don't say anything to her"

Oliver let out a sigh

"Okay but be careful"

"I will... See ya later"

Dodger walked up to Diamond and saw her looking across the street. He quickly got in front of her.

"Hey miss me?"

"Yeah.....hey i don't know why but the house right there looks familiar"

Dodger remained quiet

"And then again all the houses here look the same. Oh well come on let's go"

Dodger let out a breathe he didn't know he was holding in.

A/N Rate and Comment.

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