"Bye, Dean thanks for the ride!" Kimberly says waving. She turns to me and gives me a hug, whispering in my ear "Don't do anything I would do."

I laugh and she winks before walking towards her apartment building.

I sit back in the seat and close the door, sinking back into the warm car. Dean is putting in Tina's address into the GPS on his phone, his hair so long that it almost touches his eye when he looks down. After putting the phone down, Dean pushes his hair back and he looks up at me.

"That smile for me?" he asks, his eyes on my lips and I realize that I was still grinning from Kimberly's comment.

"You wish," I scoff but I don't stop smiling.

It doesn't take very long for us to drive to Tina's place and soon it's just me and him left in the car.

"What's your address?" he asks.

"123 elders lane," I lie.

"Is this your way of telling me you don't want to stop hanging out with me?" he asks. His hand raises and he chucks me lightly under the chin, his thumb dangerously close to my bottom lip. "Because I gotta say, babe, it's really cute."

I slap his hand away and take his phone from him. After taking a deep breath I quickly type in my address into his GPS before handing it back to him. "Chop, chop chauffeur."

He chuckles softly, shaking his head. "You sure are something else."

"Thanks" I respond even though I'm not entirely sure if that was a compliment or not.

We sit in silence while he drives, the music playing softly in the background. But even though I expected it to be awkward, it isn't.

I'm one of those people who loves to sing along when they're listening to music. It doesn't matter where I am, or who I'm with. If a song I like is playing I will start humming and singing along.

And even though I know I'll be the first to crack in the silence game we seem to be playing, I don't mind.

I start singing along to the Sum41 song playing on the speakers softly, nodding my head to the song. Dean looks over at me, a small smirk playing on his lips. I stop singing, feeling a bit self-conscious from the way he's staring at me. "What? I like this song."

"God, you're cute" he mumbles, his green eyes looking suddenly darker. He looks back at the road before I can react, his hands clenching on the steering wheel for a second before they relax. The next time he speaks his voice is joking and easygoing. "Nice voice."

"I figured if I'm going to be stuck in a car with you, might as well make it as tortuous for you as possible." I reply shakily. I hate so much that my heart is beating faster. I don't want to be effected by him, I don't want to like him not even as a person.

Three months till I graduate, five months until I leave this city behind for good and move for college. The last thing I need is distractions in any shape or form. And I can't help but feel that if I keep spending time around Dean...

"Your voice is actually not that bad," he comments, stopping the car at a red light. He turns to look at me again and adds, "On a scale of best to worst singers, I'd place you right behind that dog that howled "We are the Champion" in a youtube video I saw the other day."

I laugh, knowing which video he's talking about. "Screw you. I doubt you'd sound any better."

"Hmm well stick around and you might find out one of these days" he says grinning. "I'm a shy singer, you see."

"Oh I bet you are," I snort. I look down and notice that he's off route from the GPS. "Hey I think you're going the wrong way."

"No we're not," he answers, making a turn. "I'm hungry and I know this great Thai place that's around here."

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