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-- Diary: Bertrand Du Fortunesa, 2011. --

1 November, 2011.

Today I was set with the task of infiltrating a school, of which was stuffed to the brim with PEASANTS, to find the Chosen One. Whilst scouring, I recieved many adoring looks from said peasants, which obviously was inevitable due to my charmingly good looks and wonderful dress sense - who could blame them? I eventually located the Chosen One, whom was mingling with some hobos. Disgusting. He did not seem overjoyed to see me, which came as a surprise, because who would not be happy to see BERTRAND DU FORTUNESA?! (Evidently not Vladimir.) I informed him about the Praedictimum Impaver - a book that I have been guarding for four hundred years, waiting for the Chosen One to open - to which he responded with:

"Fuck you, Bernard, I do what I want."

How RUDE. I am deeply offended. Must wash his mouth out with soap when I get the chance.

Note: My new chamber smells AWFUL. Reminds me of Vladimir's personality.

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