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"it was like they never existed"

They were here one day. Then they were gone. It was as if they disappeared, but evidence was found. Clues of how and why they vanished. Some speculate it was interstellar beings who took them, but investigators have gathered more evidence of numerous killings and deaths – murders and suicides.

A conclusion was drawn. They took their lives. Somehow they were all connected and devised this 'plan'. Whatever they were trying to accomplish, they succeeded alright.

The world was thrown into chaos, theories were made and regrets were voiced. It began to dawn on humanity that the end drew near. Every single second could be the last they'd have. And when they're gone, there'll be no legacy, no salvation.

No, this wasn't a curse of starvation, or a supernatural attack. It was the end, an apocalypse, a sick play on life. To think they would have the conviction to do such an act is shocking, for ones who were perceived as weak beings, they were either idiotic or courageous. Dooming the human-race, who would have thought?

All lost someone that day.

The day all females never returned.

They spared no one.

Not an infant nor child.

All were gone.

Dead more like.    

[ 000 - end ]

authors note;

Hello and welcome to the first book of the Finale Trilogy. These books drew inspiration from a past series of mine called The Only Way, and also the suffragettes from history. That's a hint. I do hope you enjoy this weird novel. Please vote, share and comment, constructive criticism is appreciated!

edited [n/a]


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2017 ⏰

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