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The stars shone especially bright when Daphne Fletcher-Jones grabbed her little sisters hand and left the only home they had ever known. Their uncle, Winston Jones didn't hear them as they ransacked the pantry, preparing to brave the cold of the winter night for a chance at a new life. Daphne looked down at Briar's trembling hands. Was it worth it? And with one last look down the hallway where their uncle slept. She decided it was.

Briar tripped three times in the 300 metre stretch between the house and the beginning of the woods. Most likely because her shoes were old hand-me-downs that were much to large for a nine year old. Being three years older, Daphne had often been able to find shoes and clothing that fit her better, but none of the little that ever came from their uncle was ever able to fill what two young girls needed. "Oh Mum and Dad please forgive me." Daphne silently prayed.
Working on a minimal wage, and spending every spare penny to fuel his alcohol addiction, Winston Jones was not the ideal candidate to look after his two nieces when his brother died. He ignored them, and deprived them of most of their basic needs. With no one else to call family, it seemed as though this was their fate. But Daphne did not believe their fate was set in stone.

With one last look at the house behind them Daphne grasped her sisters hand tightly and lead her into the shadows cast by the swaying trees. Briar trudged along behind, her hands in her pockets as a means of keeping warm.
"So what are we looking for Daph?" Briar whispered. The world seemed silent, apart from the sound of a gentle blowing breeze, slowly blowing the trees around like daisies.
"I don't know Bri." Daphne smiled, trying to put on an air of confidence for her sister.
"Anything. Anyone. A chance at a new life." Brair nodded and yawned, it being way past her bedtime.

After an hour of walking Briar fell asleep resting her head on a mossy rock. Daphne lay awake thinking. What were they going to do? He supposed if they made it to the next town they could try to rebuild their lives. She could get a job as a child minded or maid. Whatever it took to protect Briar.

Daphne suddenly woke a few hours later with a cold feeling in her gut. Someone was watching her. She looked quickly over to check that Briar, who was still sleeping peacefully, was okay.
"Who's there?" She said, acting confident in the face of possible danger.
A small thirteen year old girl stepped into the moonlight. A small silver band encircling her head.
"What are you here for?" She asked. The direct question startled Daphne.
"We're running away." She said bluntly. The girls directness somehow compelled her to speak her mind. "Our parents died a year ago and our uncle mistreats us. I'm trying to find a better life for my sister."
The girl studied Briar and Daphne for a minute, before raising her hand towards the woods. "Tavian, come here" she whispered. A dark boy around her age stepped into the light. He looked nothing like her, the only thing linking them was his silver bracelet, which seemed oddly like her head band. It was clear they belonged to some kind of tribe or group.
"Cam, let's get the others." Said Tavian, gesturing back towards the woods.

Daphne never discovered what drove her to ask her next question. But she never regretted it.
"Let us join you." She said, standing to meet them.
"What?" Asked the girl, Cam, looking at Tavian for guidance.
"I don't know who you are or what you do. But my sister and I have survived for a year on our own already. We need a new life, and you here you are." She pled.
Cam looked at Tavian for any suggestion as to what to do.
Tavian shrugged and looked at Briar, sleeping as peacefully as she could in the cold.
Cam's eyes lowered their gaze onto Daphne's face.
"I'm Camille and he is Tavian." She said gesturing in the boy's direction. "You are?"
"Daphne." She said. "And my sisters name is Briar."
Tavian looked worriedly at the young girl asleep on the floor.
"She fairly young. Aren't you worried about her?"
Daphne smiled sadly at her sister, then at Tavian.
"She is young. Only nine. I'm twelve. But we are both as tough as any sixteen year old. And do I worry about her? No. I've made it my business to ensure I'll never need to worry about her."
Camille smiles and guestured at Briar.
"Wake your sister and follow us."

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