China: what? Why he's cute.

You: we've been friends since elementary.

China: well slide me his Instagram.

You: (laugh)

China: ...

You: oh. You are serious?

China: dead. (Laughs)

You: (smile a little then take out your phone)

👌🏽hours later👌🏽

You: (eating)

Papa: Jordan. you got any old war stories?

Y/m: at the dinner table really dad?

Drew: (laughs)

Jordan: speaking of war. (picks up his napkin and washes his mouth)

Drew: (sips her tea looking around)

Y/m: what?

Jordan: (looks around)

You: (look at Jordan)

Y/m: (eats)

GM: well.

Megan: (looks at him)

Jordan: They asked me to come back. Deployment is next week.

Y/m: (stops chewing)

You: what?

Drew: (looks down)

Shelia: You just came back.

You: (look at your mom)

Y/m: (staring in space)

Papa: (rubs her back)

Y/m: I'm sorry. (gets up and walk away spitting the food in a napkin)

Jordan: ma.

Y/m: (hold her hand up) i'm okay.

Megan: (looking around)

You: (look at Drew)

GM: I'll go check on her. (gets up and follow y/m)

You: (look at Jordan)

Jordan: I'm sorry.

Megan: (looks at you)

You: (getting teary eyed)

China: (looks down)


You: (hug Shelia) bye auntie. (Hug Gma) Byee.

China: See you later mom.

Shelia: you behave.

China: Maaa

Y/m: (walks them outside)


Grandma: (sitting in the living room) Are y'all ready?

You: yeah. (Sits on the couch)

Grandpa: where's Michelle.

Jordan: (sits down by you) she said start without her.

China: (sits on the floor)

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