The Break Up

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Kanata's POV

"Ahhhhh! Why can't you just accept my feelings!" Ako yelled
"Why can't you be happy for me!" I shouted back
"Maybe if you weren't such a jerk I would consider it!" She screamed
"Well if I'm a jerk, your an annoying brat who can't stand it when she doesn't get her own way!" Maybe I went a bit far with that bit oh well it's true.
"What? I can't stand it when I don't get my own way," she said in a dangerously calm voice "THAT'S IT I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE, I'M BREAKING UP WITH YOU!!!!!"
"You're what? Fine don't ever talk to me again," I retorted
"I won't, goodbye forever, Kanata," she said farewell
"Bye, Ako," and with that we parted ways.
"Now that you're single go make out with Nonoshima," she declared

Ako's POV

Before the break up.

"I'm leaving to go to my friend, you remember Nonoshima, don't you," Kanata told me
"What the stuck up girl who has a giant crush on you?" I snarled, I never meant it to come out like that.
"What, don't say that about her," he defended her
"So.... would you rather have her than me?" I asked
"Well it depends if you're being a child or not," he insulted me, I was close to tears
"If she means that much to you, go and leave me behind!" I started to shout the last part
"Fine I will," Kanata said
"Don't you get it, I don't want you to leave me!" I stated. Kanata looked away.
"I'm sorry but I've can't stay," he whispered
"Why, because you can't wait to kiss Nonoshima?" I asked
"What no!" He rejected what I said
"Ahhhhhh, why can't you just accept my feelings!" I yelled

And the rest, you know.

I ran and ran after he was out of view enough to so he couldn't see how torn up about it I really was.
The tears kept coming, I couldn't stop them. I touched my face and my hand came away completely soaked. Why m I crying so much over that idiot. He's probably already kissing Nonochima and not even thinking about me, they've probably already hooked up and are married with 7 kids and laughing about me.
Ok maybe not married with seven kids, at least I hope Kanata hasn't been hiding kids from me.
My imaginations gone wild again, like it used to do with Subaru kun but that's all in the past now, now I have..........

No one, I'm alone.......

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