Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning with nothing to do. I took a shower. When I got out I put on a pair of dark, ripped, acid washed skinny jeans, a Cleopatra crop top, some gold sandals, and gold accessories. I put on some deodorant, lotion, Dot by Marc Jacobs perfume, black eyeliner and pink lipgloss. It took a while but I wand curled my 32" Virgin Brazilian hair and left it down.

I took a glance in the mirror. The jeans perfectly fit my nice round ass and even though my shirt was made to fit big my Double D breast were still noticeable. The light make up complimented my light caramel skin. I'm 5'6 in height. I call that average, but taller people call that short. I have big light brown eyes and medium sized pink lips. Everybody say I'm the perfect combination of my mom and dad.

I made sure everything was in my purse, grabbed my keys off the kitchen counter and set off towards my brother's crib.

My brother lived in a even more upscale part of town. He has a three story house with eight bedrooms and six bathrooms. He also has a large kitchen and living room, a home theatre, a game room, and an indoor pool and basketball court. You could never get bored at his house.

I pulled into his driveway and went to the door. I rang the doorbell and his house keeper Rose answered it. "Hola Rose" I said. She smiled and nodded to me. I walked in to see my brother and some of his friends playing 2K in his living room.

"Hey sis. What you doing here?" he asked pausing the game.

"What I can't come over no more? What's up Que." Que is Khalil's bestfriend. They met in middle school and have been like brothers ever since. Que fine as hell though. I used to have a little crush on him a couple years back but it's gone now. Almost completely.

"Hey Mina. Long time no see. You be hiding from the hood now?" He got up and gave me a hug. Mannn he smell good.

"Nahh school just been keeping me busy, but my summer vacation will be starting early." I went and sat down on the couch next to Que. "Now pass me a controller, I'm about to whoop some ass.

"We will see about that lil sis. Don't do that crybaby shit when you lose. Last time you told ma and she chased me around the house with her rhine stoned belt. " Khalil said making everybody laugh.

I took the controller and started to play. I whooped everybody ass, even Khalil's. He started complaining talking about his controller messed up. That nigga always gotta be a sore loser.

"Ok it was nice beating everybody but I gotta go. I got class in thirty minutes." I dapped everybody hand and grabbed my keys. I walked to the car and Que ran out behind me.

"Aye wait real quick. Give me your number." he said pulling out his phone.

I gave him the number and he saved it in his phone. He gave me another hug and went back into the house.

On my way to class I got a phone call.

"What's up beautiful?" the unknown person asked.

"Who is this?" I asked confused.

"My number aint saved? That just broke my heart. It's Isaiah from the mall and the club."

"Oh sorry I was so busy yesterday I forgot to save your number. Text me though I'm on my way to school." he said okay as I pulled into the parking lot.

When I sat down and got situated I got a text from Isaiah.

Isaiah: "So you're in college? Smart and beautiful. What you going for?"

Amina: "Pre-medicine. I'm trying to become a neurosurgeon."

Isaiah: "this might be corny but I think that's sexy. I have a Bachelor's degree in business. After your class is over, let me take you out."

Amina: "Ok. Pick me up around nine. I'll text you the address later. Ttyl i have to listen to this lecture"

We stopped texting and I put my phone in my purse. For the remainder of class I took notes and listened to the lecture.

After class I went home to prepare for my date. I took a long hot shower. When I was out I put my lotion and deodorant on. I sprayed a little of my Gucci perfume on. I stepped in my walk in closet and looked around for something to wear.

After about 30 minutes of trying things on I chose my red dress with the sheer back. It was long and had a slit in it that exposed my left leg. I chose a pair of Louboutin red bottoms to go with it. I put on a pair of gold diamond stude earrings and a light necklace to go with it. I combed my hair up into a messy bun and applied some light make up and some gold YSL lip gloss.

After I finished I heard my doorbell ring. I grabbed my clutch purse and went downstairs.

When I opened the door Isaiah was standing there wearing a white suit with a red dress shirt, Gucci dress shoes and a white gold and diamond Rolex. He had some red roses in his hand.

"These are for you. I can't tell you where we are going it's a surprise." I nodded my head ok and put the roses in a vase with some water.

He lead me to his white on white Audi and opened the door for me. I got in and he closed the door. We rode in silence as Anthony Hamilton played throughout the car. When the car stopped I was lead into a building and up an elevator. When the elevator opened we were in a glass rooftop with a candlelit dinner set for two. He pulled out my chair while I sat down. A waiter came and brought us a bottle of wine and poured some into our glasses.

We ordered and shortly after our food came. As we ate we sat and talked about everything. I told him how my mom raised me and my brother as a single parent while my dad ran off cause he wasn't ready to be a father. I always thought about what it would be like if I met him but my mom said he was killed last year.

Isaiah told me how he had to raise his two sisters while his dad was off somewhere doing drugs and his mom left them for a some drug dealer. Seeing how he is now I would've never guessed that he had been through so much.

After dinner was over he drove me back home and walked me to my door. I gave him a hug and we said our goodbyes. I was about to walk in the house before he softly grabbed my waste and pulled me into him. Our lips met and the kiss deepened. We kissed for about two minutes before he pulled away. I looked at him in a daze as he turned and walked back to his car. I watched him pull off before going into my house. I went into my bedroom pulled off my clothes and collapsed onto my bed.

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