Gray 07 (The End)

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It was almost memorizing waking up those next few days after the party and be beside him, he was so beautiful inside and out that my heart at times felt like it was going to explode. To top things off every morning I'd wake up to him saying how much he loved me, how he wanted me to be his wife and have his kids. 

It was a far fetched dream but that never did seem to bring us down. 

When I was with Gray I felt beautiful. 

At least he reminded me that plenty of times at night. 

The only negative about this all was when he had to go back to South Korea. I wasn't as angry as I used to be but much rather disappointed. "I'll be back soon." He promises. 

Holding his hand as I stare at our entwined fingers I give a small nod of the head. "You better." I murmur. 

He pulls his hand away from mine and I hear a sound escape my lips, I feel him watch me, it was so hard to say goodbye to him. Gray was my best friend before he became my boyfriend. He was the main person I talked to each and everyday, we both wanted to exceed in life and he promised to be there for me til we grew old. But never in my life could I have imagined him to love me, hold me and kiss me the way he did. I still remember how he would keep guys away from me on purpose because he would get pissed off whenever a guy would try and talk me up but I never understood why until now. 

And now he was looking at me with a sad smile on his face and pulls me close to him, smashing his lips against mine. It felt right. It felt magical but at the same time sad. It almost felt, as if it was supposed to be this way. Gray was the man I loved, the only guy I think I'll love forever even if we wouldn't last forever. I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his neck deepening the kiss. My fingers as always had a habit of tangling themselves in his smooth jet black hair. I just loved the way it felt against my fingers. He pulled away allowing us to catch our breath. 

"I won't be long." He promised. 

I nodded. "I love you." He whispers against my lips before pulling away completely. He was already heading over to where his flight was. "I love you too." I whisper back but he didn't hear me.

+ + +  

It was difficult trying to go back to work like nothing had happened this past week, not only had John called me several times and messaged me but I hadn't returned a single call and told him things were over through text. 

However showing up at my house two weeks later while I was face timing with Gray was clearly something I wasn't use to. I opened the door and he pushed his way inside. "John?" 

I blocked his entrance. "Lisa." He slurs. 

I shake my head. "You need to go John." I mutter. 

"But I miss you." He reached for me and I pull back. 

"I'm sorry John we're over." I remind him. He shakes his head trying to reach for me again but I push him back instead and close the door. He bangs on the door shouting my name for a while while I rest against in hugging my knees. 

A part of me felt bad but another part of me held this relief. 

More days passed and I seemed restless, I'd even caught the stomach flu and had to stay home and miss work for a few days. Gray was supposed to be back since last week but things kept getting in the way of his schedule. 

And now here I was with a fever, nausea and oddly my breasts hurt. 

When I finally came back to work and told one of my coworkers why I was so sick she looked at me wide eyed and whispered something to her girlfriend. "We should stop by Walgreen's after work." She comments. 

I give her a questioning look but she doesn't elaborate. After work I get a ride to the store and we head over to the female section at Walgreen's. "Take this." My coworker's girlfriend throws a pink box at me. 

I catch it with my hands, my eyes scan the box thinking it might be some cold medicine but instead I get a surprise. "A pregnancy test?" 

+ + + 

I was pregnant

With Gray's baby. 

It's safe to say I didn't get much sleep after that. 

I was restless, walking in and out the rooms, dozing off during work, had the strangest mood swings and the urge to eat bulgogi all the time. "I'll be home soon." Gray's voice echo's through the voice mailbox. "I miss you a lot, take care and eat well." 

I lock my phone and stare at my stomach in the mirror. How was I going to tell Gray? I wasn't even sure how he'd react. What would I even tell him? "There's a mini you in me?" I shook my head and headed back to my desk. 

After work I headed over to the bus stop and waited til my bus came. I was rubbing a hand over my stomach while I stared at the cars passing by that I didn't even notice someone take a seat besides me. 

I felt that person shift beside me and casually sling an arm over my shoulder, without even looking I smacked there hand and got myself up from the bench ready to fight off the creep. "Dam my girl's feisty." 

My mouth hangs open, "Gray?" I asked confused. 

He smirks at me. "I'm home." He says. 

But the sight of him made me break down. 

I felt it all crashing down when I looked at him and if it weren't for his quick reflexes I would've ended up on the floor.

He held me close to his chest deeply staring into my wide eyes. I cursed in my head when I realized how close his lips were to mine, memories of us flooded my mind, blinding me for a second. Memories full of both happy and sad times. 

I brought a hand up to his chest and pushed him away as reality hit me and realized what compromising position we were in. Taking a few steps away from him, hoping he wouldn't reach out for me.

"Where are you going?" Gray grabbed my hand. I looked back and met his questioning eyes which were holding some sadness, and desperation, maybe. 

Pulling my hand out of his grip in a swift movement I stared off at the road, watching the cars passing by one by one. "I asked something," he was getting annoyed, however, my anxiety and pain was overwhelming. 

I turned back and looked him in the eyes, "I'm pregnant." I looked at him as he stared back blinking a few times at first in confusion. 

"I'm pregnant." He repeats to himself. 

Suddenly his eyes widen and he pulls me into his arms holding me close. "Oh shit." He mumbles against my ear. 

I swallow, the tears in my eyes blurring my vision. "It's okay?" I ask. 

I feel him tense up and he pulls away while looking me in the eyes. "Lisa I want to be with you, you and the baby and the future...your mine now." Without giving me a moment's time to clear my head he crushes his lips to mine. 

Kissing me like I've never been kissed before and as he pulled away he smiled. "Saranghaeyo ." He whispers against my lips. 

And it was just about then when I knew he would always be the best thing in my life. 

-the end-

-see not all stories are sad lol-

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