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[ warrning : this chapter contains slightly sexual scenes ]

Your POV - Friday, 8:23 am

You threw on a pair of high waisted shorts, and picked up a random shirt off of your floor. You were too drowsy to pay any attention to what you were wearing, so thankfully it was a cute striped shirt. You threw your hair into a messy bun and slipped on your lucky bracelet. You grabbed an Eggo, hopped on your skateboard and you were out the door.


You pushed through the doors of Benny's Diner and spotted the boys sitting at a booth by the window. You walked over to the booth, sleepily and slid in, next to Mike.

"How's it hanging, sleeping beauty?" Lucas laughed, shoving his face with pancakes. You rested your head on Mike's shoulder and sighed.

"Why the hell would you guys make me wake up early in a late start school day?" You said, squinting your eyes.

"It's a late start school day?" Will tilted his head to the side and looked to you. Dustin snorted and ruffled his hair.

"Come on Will, they do this every year. The day before the snowball, school starts at 10:00 instead of 8:30." Will just continued to look confused.

"Speaking of that, I don't have a dress." You said, waking up a bit.

"Well why not!" Will exclaimed. "We have to go dress shopping after school today." You laughed and nodded. Mike grabbed your hand under the tables and rested his head on yours.

"Hey kiddo," you looked up to see Benny smiling down at you, a small rag in his hand and a stack of dirty dishes. "I'm heading out, make sure you clean the place up before school." He said, setting down the plates. You smiled up at him and nodded.

"Ok, see ya, uncle Benny." He smiled warmly at you and his gazed switched over to Mike.

"Are you the kid who's dating my y/n?" He said putting his hand on his hip. Mike's eyes widened and a faint red dusted his cheeks.

"I-uh-I-I-well-uhm . . . " he looked to you for help. You laughed at his nervousness.

"Yes, this is him." You told Benny. He studied Mike, as he fidgeted nervously. Benny ultimately decided that Mike was alright after a minute or so and cocked his head in satisfaction.

"Alright, take good care of her." Benny said and punched Mike's shoulder lightly. Mike nodded frantically.

"Yes, sir." He said, his voice cracking. Jesus Benny, you're scaring the kid half to death. You laughed and patted Mike's leg to calm him down.

"Don't forget to lock up when your done!" Benny called over his shoulder, leaving the diner. You rolled your eyes. Dustin began to ramble about how he was going to ask Max to the dance and you began drifting off from lack of sleep. The quiet chime signaling the door had been open, snapped you out of your trance. A pale girl, lanky and skinny (borderline unhealthy) stepped in. She looked frail and timid with her thin brown hair hanging dryly at her shoulders. Not to mention her clothes, which looked like they'd been dug out of a dumpster.

Was she homeless? Or in trouble?

She caught your eye and began to walk towards you when she stopped abruptly in her tracks. She lifted her hands to her mouth and let out a sob? Or a laugh? you couldn't really tell. Whatever it was it got the boys attention. And as soon as Mike saw her, his face paled.


Mike's POV - Friday, 8:57 am

When I saw her, it didn't seem real. It it wasn't real. It was crazy. It was actually bat shit crazy. I began to hyperventilate, an old habit which would only occur when I was either extremely terrified or in complete shock. And at the moment I was a little bit of both.

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