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Your POV - Sunday, 6:32 pm

You toyed with the brown bracelet around your wrist and stared at the cash register, blankly. That thing didn't even work, and you were convinced it was just for show; to make sure the customers thought that Benny's was a real deal diner. And hey, it's not like Benny was the richest man in town, but you'd like to think he could stand to buy a register that works. ( okay so we're all gonna pretend that Benny's still alive for the sake of this books plot and the fact that I love him a lot and he didn't deserve to die)You turned at the sound of a door being opened. A boy around your age, fifteen or maybe even sixteen stepped up to the counter.

"Hi! Can I help you?" You asked in your mandatory cheerful tone. You even added a smile to the end. He just laughed.

"Yeah, get a chocolate shake please." The boy ran his fingers through his long dark hair. "Extra whip." He slung his back back onto the nearest bar stool, (which happened to be right in front of your station, great) and plopped down next to it. You scoffed and grabbed a glass from the back. You filled the glass and added an unnecessary amount of whip cream to the top. You picked up the shake and slid it over the counter quickly, hoping to avoid unneeded conversation. You set down the glass when he caught your wrist.

"I uh haven't seen you around here before." He said with a small smile. You pulled away from his hand and grabbed a couple of used glasses from a nearby table. You picked up a bit of spray cleaning solution and paper towels from the bottom shelf.

" I wouldn't expect you to. I just moved here." You replied, wiping down the counters. He smirked and took a sip of his shake.

"And you already have a job?" He rested his head in his hands. You nodded and put your h/l hair in a high ponytail.

"My mom and I, we're friends of Benny's. He's the whole reason I'm in this stupid town." He widened his eyes a bit but just nodded in response. "Don't get me wrong, I love Benny. He's like the dad I never had. I mean sure I have a biological parent but my mom got a divorce with that sorry excuse for a father." The guy just sat there, sipping his milkshake while you cleaned.

'Great y/n, wait to screw up the conversation'

It wasn't like you had much of an interest in this guy anyway. You started the sink and squirted some soap into your hands.

"Alright. That sucks and everything but what about you?" He continued. You just sighed and scrubbed a plate.

"What do you want to know?" You called over your shoulder.

"My name's Mike." He said, eating the whip cream with a spoon.

"Y/n." You replied.

"That's it?" He asked, apparently unimpressed. You nodded and closed the dish washer. You took his empty glass and put it in the sink. "Really? You're just a name and a pretty face?" You could hear the smirk in his voice. You blushed a bit and rocked back in your feet.

"Look Mike," you said, tucking a strand of hair into your ponytail. "It's almost closing time and I've got better things to do than be interrogated by a fifteen year o-"

"Sixteen." He interrupted. You just shook your head.

"That'll be $3.75" you said, taking off your 'apron' that was a part of the uniform. The uniform in general was dumb. The dress was crazy short and an ugly light blue; not to mention the white bow and apron that came with it. You walked into the back room and took of your uniform, hanging it up and slipping on a pair of faded skinny jeans. and a grey tank top. You traded your work shoes for some converse and slipped on a jacket. You locked up the back and walked out to the counter to grab your bracelet, which you'd taken off before washing dishes.

"Why are you still here?" You asked, putting on the bracelet and stuffing your hands in your pockets. Mike stood up and grabbed his backpack. He opened the door for you and you stepped through, the cold December air hitting your face. Mike picked up his bike from the racks and caught up with you.

"Hey wait." He said placing a hand on your shoulder. You turned and raised an eyebrow. "I have a feeling you don't like me for some reason." You stared up at the string of freckles across his pale cheeks. They kinda reminded you of stars, the way they were splattered so randomly.

"What gave you that idea?" You said sarcastically, rubbing your hands together to keep them warm.

"Maybe I'll see you at school." He said, trying to change the topic.

You shrugged. "Maybe I don't go to your school." You suggested.

"There's only one high school relatively close." He smiled. "I mean, this is Hawkins we're talking about."You laughed quietly.

"It was worth a shot." He nodded, biting at his lip.

"See you around y/n." Mike got on his bike and you waved, watching him ride off. You flipped the neon sign from 'open' to 'sorry we're closed' and skated home. 

word count - 905

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