Chapter 1

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I can feel my heart beat in my throat. The sound of my feet hitting the floor seems to be getting louder. My legs are getting heavier. My breaths are becoming shorter.

My name is Zoe Cligg, i've been in the apocalypse for almost 2 years. My parents? Dead, they were walkers, they ate my baby sister. I still have my big brother Jesse though, he has helped me more than ever, as far as we know, we're the only survivors, we haven't had any communication with any other humans other than eachother since about a month after the apocalypse started. 

Right now, Jesse and I are running down an unbelievably long road, with a horde of about 100+ walkers behind us. I have a gun and a knife, Jesse has a gun and machette. But we have barely any ammo and theres to many to stab them. Suddenly i heard a thump on the floor behind me, and then a scream, i looked back to see Jesse on the floor and a walker chewing on his leg, the rest beginning to surround him.


"ZOE, YOU HAVE TO GO, PLEASE JUST GET OUT OF HERE, YOU WILL BE FINE!" he screamed back and he threw his gun to me.

I quickly grabbed his gun. I was crying loudly, this obviously attracted the walkers to me, i continued running down the road, i felt weak, when i was around 10 metres away from the walkers i collapsed, i grabbed the two pistols i now had and aimed at them. Then i thought to myself, whats the point? My brother is gone, i have nobody. I lowered my guns. 

"Eat me aswell! You have my brother, so now you can have me!"

As soon as those last words came out of my mouth, i heard gunfire and walkers started collapsing infront of me, i was suddenly lifted off the ground and taken into a field with a tent in, by some railway lines. The person put me down and i turned around and drew my guns on the two men who were now stood infront of me. They put their hands up.

"Who are you and why did you take me away from there?" I asked, with anger and fear in my voice.

One man was holding a crossbow, he had longish dark brown hair and wore a sleeveless leather jacket with angel wings on the back. The other and curly brown hair and wore a shirt and brown leather jacket. He was holding a revolver.

The man with the crossbow spoke "I'm Daryl, Daryl Dixon, this is Rick Grimes, please, put down your weapons, we don't mean any harm to you, we just saved your ass"

They both put down there weapons, i slowly put my guns onto the grass infront of me. 

"I''m Zoe Cligg, i don't mean any harm either, im just shocked, i havent seen any other survivors since about a month after this shit started" i told them.

"We understand why you would be afraid, why were you just going to let those walkers eat you?" Daryl asked.

"My brother, Jesse, hes the only person i've been with this whole time, my parents turned and ate my baby sister. He was eaten by the walkers not even 10 minutes ago, i didnt want to go on by myself" i said, tears going down my cheeks.

"Im sorry to here it, we've lost people to the walkers aswell, i lost my brother, and rick here lost his wife, minutes after she gave birth to his daughter"

"I'm sorry to hear that, its shit isnt it"

"Come on Zoe, come meet the other two we are with, we'll tell you what the plan is, and you can stay with us" Rick said kindly.

"thankyou so much, Rick, Daryl" I thanked them and gave a small smile.

We walked over to the tent and Daryl sat down on a log by a fire, he patted next to him for me to come and sit down, so i did, i couldnt help but notice his eyes, they were the most beautiful blue colour.

"Michonne, Carl, we have a new member to our group, come and meet her."

A teenage boy holding a gun and wearing a sheriffs hat walked out of the tent, and he was followed by a tall woman which brown dreadlocks covering her head, she was holding a samurai sword.

"Carl, Michonne, this is Zoe Cligg, she just lost her brother to walkers, she has no one, and we couldnt leave her on her own, Zoe, this is Carl, my son, and Michonne, our close friend"

I waved and smiled at them both, they smiled back and sat down, i could tell that i was going to like this group. But the story they had to tell was shocking.

The names Daryl Dixon, not The Archer.Where stories live. Discover now